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I wake up to my body shaking. omg is there an earthquake?! Oh, nevermind someone is shaking me.

My eyes burst open to see a covered chest. I lean my head up to see Lucian staring at me.

"Why are you here, Tatum?" he asks removing his hand from my shoulder.

"Good morning to you too, Lucian!" I say sarcasticly.

"Seriously, Tatum. What happened?" he says with a serious tone.

I push my body upright and lean my head on the top of the couch.

"I had no where to go, Lucian," he stares at me blankly.

I let out a deep breath, "My father-"

"Your father did something to you?!" Lucian cuts me off.

"No, no, no. Lucian let me finish, please," I reasure him, gesturing a spot next to me on the couch.

He nods and takes a seat next to me. He takes my wrist and drews small circles on it with his index finger.

"My father arranged a marriage for with Kenji Teronto, I had no choice. He just barged in my room and broke the news, next thing I knew I was getting pulled out of my room to Kenji," I take in a deep breath and release is controlled. I keep my eyes locked with Lucian.

"They knocked me out and I woke up in his bedroom and," Lucian's hand squeezes mine and anger floods his face.

I take my eyes off Lucian to pull myself together, "He uh... forced himself onto me," Lucians grip gets tighter on my hand. "He did this to me," I point to the marks on my neck. My vision starts getting blurry. I take in a deep breath again trying to hold in the tears.

"I was so scared Lucian, I didn't know what to do, I begged him to stop and he just get angrier and hurt me more," a tear rolls down my cheak. "He tried to uhhh," I look at Lucian. He nods understanding.

"I kicked him and got away. The only place I could think of was here to go," I sigh.

"I'm going to fucking kill him, Tatum," he releases his grip around my wrist.

A few more tears roll down my cheek, I close my eyes to try to stop them but it's no use. My eyes burn from the amount of tears I've shed the passed two days.

I feel a hand up my eye, wiping the tears. I look up to see Lucian, his mouth in a straight line.



"Can I stay here?" I ask.

"Mhm," he gives a slight nod.

I smile up at him, "Thank you, Lucian."

The door bursts open, "Tatum, I can't find-" Quinton stops yelling when he meets eyes with Lucian. "Oh, guess he found you," he smirks.

"I'm gonna be your roomate," I dry laugh at him.

Lucian lets out a slight groan. I nudge him with my should, he taps my wrist and walks towards the door.

"Can I have some breakfast?!" I shout to Lucian across the room.

I don't remember when the last meal I had. After crying my stomach feels like it has a hole in it.

"Yeah, I'll bring some in here," Lucian says.

Quinton takes a seat next to me, "How are you, Sugar?"

"Better, I just needed to tell someone and get away," I give a reasuring smile.

" I'm going to have to go back and get my clothes. I can't go back there," I put my palm to my forehead, shaking my head. My breathing gets harsh at the idea of being sent back to Kenji.

"It's okay, I'm sure Lucian can get someone to buy you new ones," Quinton reasures, rubbing a hand on my back,  soothing me.

"Oh god no! I'm not letting him spend money on me, I'm already going to get on his nerves staying here," I say.

Quinton smirks again, "I'm sure he'll get you some clothes."

Quinton and I talk for awhile about random things while I wait for my breakfast. Quinton is actually really nice compared to most mafia men, all the ones I've met are usually rude and have no humor.

"Do you think he is actually getting me food?" I ask Quinton.

Quinton looks behind me and smirks.

"Don't doubt me, Tate," Lucian scoffs.

"I would never!!" I say turning around to see Lucian. He has a tray with a bowl of fruit and a stack of pancakes.

"Omg, your gonna make me twice my size!" I laugh.

Lucian rolls his eyes and sets the tray on the coffee table infront of me. Quinton grabs a fork and gets ready to put it into the pancakes.

I swat his hand away, "No, I get to take first bite."

I dig into the pancake, "This is so good," I moan. I look over to Lucian to see his eyes go wide. I slap my hand against my mouth, "I didn't mean to-" I shut myself up.

I look next to me at Quinton to see him laughing falling to his back, I punch his arm to get him to stop, which only made him laugh more.

"Gosh, I think the punch hurt me more than you," I say shaking my hand from the pain in my knuckles.

"Tate, that's because you can't punch," Lucian says.

"No! I can, very well actually!" I most definetly can't, the first punch I've ever thrown was 5 seconds ago.

"Mhm, lets see," Lucian suggests.

"I'm busy eating," I stall.

"How about after?" he asks.

"Busy still," I lie.

He hums, "Busy doing what?"

"Your mom-" I face palm, dear God did I just say that to the mafia leader known as 'The Devil'

Lucian's eyes widen and Quinton starts dying from laugh, holding his stomach from how hard he's laughing.

"I'm sorry I-" I'm lost for words, I rub my forhead. "Can you show me to my room?" I change the subject.

"Doll, I thought we were roomates?" Quinton pouts.

"As if I would ever torture her like that," Lucian says.

Uhh what now-

"What ways would you torture me," my face goes white, he's gonna kill me isn't he.

"Come on, Tate, let's go find your room," Lucian put a hand on my lower back and push me towards the door. Um, okay then.

I look back when we stop at the door to see Lucian's head turned facing Quinton, I see Quinton mouthing something to him, then Lucian removes a hand from my back. Lucian flips Quinton off and guides me out the door.

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