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The sound of glass shattering from above me forces me out of my sleep. 

A large firm hand grips my thigh making me realise the sound woke Lucian as well. We both look at eachother, mentally communicating that we both heard the crashing sound.

"Stay here," Lucian says as he starts to get out of the bed.

I immediatly shake my head no, "No, I'm coming."

I'm not changing my mind and he knows that. He takes my hand and leads the way out of the room. 

The second we step into the hall another shatter of glass from the floor above makes both of us halt. His grip on my hand tightens.

I give him a nod, silently telling him to continue. He grabs his gun from his waistband- wait, he sleeps with that?- and carefully walks up the stairs with me right behind him.

Another sound of something being thrown echos through the floor, but this one is different, it's not glass, there is no shatter.

My worries only spike when I remember there is a four year old on this floor. 

Lucian puts a hand out behind him, putting it on my waist, pushing me more behind him.

A door opens and I look around Lucian's back to see Lucas'  worried face rushing towards Ezra's room.

Lucas looks at us and says something in Italian that I don't understand. Lucian puts his gun back in his waistband, but leaving the handle out of his grey sweats.

Lucas cautiously opens Ezra's door and steps inside, leaving the door open for us. Lucian walks into the dimly lit room, followed by me.

Ezra looks like he is going insane, his hands to his head, pacing around the room, with glass shattered everywhere, alcohol dripping on the wall from when he threw it. 

My eyes catch the five orange bottles on the desk. One of the bottles has its cap off and pills spilled out infront of it. There is a line of powder and a credit card laying infront of the open bottle.

"Ezra..." I whisper and it gets his attention. 

He looks up at me and presses his palms to his temples, shaking his head.

"They don't work anymore," he says, changing his gaze to Lucas.

I reach for one of the bottles and notice the label has been ripped off, leaving just a small strip of white that got stuck.

"They don't fucking work!" Ezra yells, slamming his fist onto the wall.

My body jerks from the sudden outburst.

"Ezra-" Lucas starts but gets cut off.

"You said-" Ezra points his index finger at Lucas' chest,  "You fucking said that all this would go away!"

"Ezra, it takes time. Ezra, it won't hurt eventually," Ezra makes a mocking tone at Lucas.

"When then? When will it stop? When will it fucking stop? Tell me," his eyes get glossy, but his face hardens and he slams a fist on the table.

"I don't know..." Lucas says quietly.

Ezra's fists clench by his side, knuckles turning white. He's biting his bottom lip, no doubt that it's drawing blood.

I cross my arms over my body and turn towards Lucian and Luca.

"Can you guys leave for a minute?" I ask, rolling my lips between my teeth.

"Tate," Lucian starts but I give him a pleading look and he nods.

Ezra is obviously trying not to breakdown in tears right now. He's trying hard not to do it infront of the two men he looks up to most. I understand where he is coming from.

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