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I nod, listening to everything Lucian informs me about these men.

"Make sure you have your gun in easy reach, same with your knives," Lucian tells me.

I fold the top of my skirt down, showing 3 knives on my right hip and a matte black handgun on my left hip.

"Good," he folds the skirt back up.

He wraps a warm hand around my waist, placing a kiss on the crown of my head. 

He reaches for the door handle, this door isn't the main door, he wanted to go in this way for security reasons or something like that.

Once he opens the door loud music meets my ears, I can feel it in my body. Neon strobe lights add color to the dim club. The more we walk in the more packed it feels in here.

I stand closer to Lucian when we pass a group of men that are staring at my chest. Men

Once we pass them and I feel them staring I put my hand behind my back, flipping them off.

We walk up some stairs to a VIP balconey that over looks the club. A group of men sit there, drinks infront of them on the table. Multiple of them hold cards in their hands and money sprawled out on the table.

I turn my gaze up to Lucian with a brow  raised.

He leans his head down to my ear and whispers, "Poker."

My body sends tingles all over and I nod.

Women sit on 3 of the mens laps, 2 whispering things in their ears while the other is sucking off the mans face.

Once we get infront of the table, the men all look up to Lucian and then to me, eyeing me from my red heels up my body to my eyes and then back to Lucian.

Uneasiness fills my stomach as Lucian takes a seat in the booth next to a man and then pulling me to sit next to him, on the outside of the booth.

"Who's the girl?" a man with dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, and tattoos creeping up from the collar of his black t-shirt.

"Nice to see you too, Lucas," Lucian says monotone.

Lucian places a hand on my thigh, his index finger drawing circles.

"We missed you so much, Lucian," Lucas says with a fake smile.

The men with cards set their cards face down on the table, their gazes on Lucian.

Lucas takes a sip from his glass, "Want a drink?"  he asks Lucian.

"Yeah," Lucian deadpans.

"What about you?" He lifts his chin a little bit when looking at me.

"No, thank you," I try to say confidently, I think it worked.

"Suit yourself." 

Lucas lifts a finger, to a women in a neon pink dress, who says, "Yes, sir," and heads towards the bar.

Once the lady comes back and passes the glass to Lucian I whisper when her ear is next to mine, "You're pretty." 

Her face face turns pink, "Th-thank you."

She turns around and walks away, her black ponytail bouncing with each step.

 "What's your name?" Lucas asks me.

I turn my head to look at Lucian. I'm allowed to say my name right? I don't have to lie like I did on the plane I think.

Lucian simply nods, not verbally telling me I can tell Lucas.

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