Magic Mike

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"What's it like being a blonde?" I ask Lucian.

He turns around and faces me as I sit on the bed. He creases his brows and shakes his head.

"I'm not blonde?" he says stern.

"Stage 1: denial,"

"I'm not blonde, Tate" he narrows his eyes at me.

"It's ok," I take in a dramatic breath, "I guess I'll accept you."

He looks at me searching my face, I just shrug and fall back on the bed. Lucian walks into the bathroom attached to the room and I hear the shower start.

I think Lucian has something against blondes, he got really offended at the thought of him being blonde.

My phone buzzes making me groan. I roll over and grab my phone off the night stand. I smile at the wall paper; Lucian asleep with bright red lipstick on his lips. He said he hated me but we obviously know he is lying to himself.

I click my newest notification.

Quinn💅🏼🎀: U and Lucian come downstairs in 10 😃

Me: 😃👍

I turn off my phone and roll off the bed to my feet. I knock on the bathroom door and slightly open it.

"Lucian!" I call out.

I hear no reply so I open the door fully and step in. The sound of the water running fills my ears.

I cover my eyes and tap on the glass door seperating us.

"Tate?" I hear Lucian's voice.

"Uhh, Quinton said to be downstairs in 10 minutes," I turn around, back facing the shower and uncover my eyes.

I hear Lucian laugh, "Alright. I'll be out in a sec."

I walk out and shut the door. I look down at what I'm wearing; a simple sundress that stops midthigh. I head off to my closet and pull out an oversized tee that has Tupac flipping off the camera. 

I have a lot of Tupac shirts.


I change my pants for a pair of spandex that make my butt look bigger, I have a nice butt, it's not like Nicki's butt but it's something.

I slide through the hall with the help of my fuzzy socks, they are pink with weed symbols. I've never smoked weed but the socks  are comfy.

I throw the door open stride in like a model and fall back on the bed. Lucian opens the bathroom door with a towel around his waist, giving me an amazing view to his perfectly toned abs and his V line.

I feel my face heat up and direct my eyes to his face, he has a smirk on his face making my stomach flip.

I groan and roll over so my face is in the mattress.

Lucian laughs and I hear the drawer open and then a towel is thrown on my head. I quickly bring myself up and throw the towel it at Lucian, who now has a pair of grey sweat pants and a black t-shirt in his hands.

"Hurry up," I get off the bed and stand next to the bedroom door.

"Yes, Ma'am," he puts the shirt over his head and pulls it down. The fabric hugs tight on his chest,  showing off each muscle.

Lucian walks up infront of me and puts a hand on my waist, pulling me closer to him. He lowers his head to my neck, leaving a trail of kisses from my neck to my jaw, making my head roll back. I feel his warm breath against my jaw all the way up to my ear.

"Let's go, Tate," he whispers in my ear, then takes his hand off my waist and leaves the room.


I shake my head and ran to catch up Lucian. When I get next to him he wrap an arm around my shoulder, keeping me close.

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