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"I can't wait to go on a plane again," Kamila drew on a paper with her markers.

We were leaving tomorrow to go back to LA. Kamila and Leo are coming back with us to talk with Mr. and Mrs. Sicilian and figure everything out.

Lucian has had buisness calls all morning, but he seems happier. I can tell that his brother means a lot to him, and when he thought he died, it must have really took a toll on him.

"Banana's and strawberries okay?" I ask Kam as I grab a bowl from the cabinet.

She sticks her tongue out of the side of her mouth as she draws. 

"Yes, please," she doesn't bother looking up from her paper.

I take a yellow banana and a cutting board out. I take the strawberries from the fridge and wash them under water. I cut them up and put them in a bowl.

I set the bowl infront of Kam and she looks at me, tilting her head.

"Did you put good sugar?" she asks.

"Oh, I forgot. Sorry."

I take the bowl back and grab the sugar shaker. I put my finger over the hole to block the sugar from coming out. I shake it over the fruit, making sure no sugar comes out.

"There you go," I slide the bowl back to her.

"Thank you," she grabs her fork and puts a slice of banana in her mouth.

I rest my head on my palms, leaning on the island. I grab one of Kamila's strawberries and plop it on my tongue. 

Kamila narrows her eyes at me and I smile at her.

"You could have just asked," she grabs the brown marker and stars scribbling, "polietly."

"Kammy, can I please have a strawberry?" I pout at her.

"No," she shakes her head and goes back to coloring.

A tall figure comes in to the kitchen and places a hand on Kamila's head, tilting it back.

Leo kisses her nose and she giggles, grabbing onto her dad's face, placing a kiss on his chin.

I don't understand how I didn't realise Leo and Lucian were sibilings. Both of them have green eyes, Lucian's are a little darker. They both have dark hair that is nearly black and their facially structures are fairly similar.

"Whatcha drawing, princess?" he asks, picking up her paper.

She snatches the paper back, glaring at Leo.

"A puppy," she points at the paper, smiling.

"Wow!" Leo says with a fake smile, nodding.

I look at the picture, tilting my head. I don't see a dog, if anything, that's a brown frog.

"Do you see the puppy, T?" Kamila turns the paper so it faces me better.

"Mhm, it's gorgeous," I nod, agreeing with her.

"It's handsome," she flares her nostrils at me, anger flowing off her.


I feel hands creep around my waist and the smell of a very familiar cologne reaches my nose.

"Lucian, do you like her artwork?" I turn around to face him.

Lucian looks at Kamila's paper and nods slowly.

"That's a very nice frog," he gives her a thumbs up.

Kamila's eyes go wide and her face goes red.

"That's not a frog, that's a puppy!" she screams and jumps from her chair.

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