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"What the-" I wake up from Tatum throwing the blankets off the bed.

She looks over at me, color drained from her face and eyes wide.

"Are you okay, Tate?" I ask worridly.

She quickly shakes her head, sliding off the bed towards the bathroom.

Oh god...

I quickly get off the bed and run behind her into the bathroom, only in a pair of joggers.

Tatum leans over the toilet, I grasp her hair holding it up as she throws up everything inside her stomach.

I slide my hand under her t-shirt and rub her back to help sooth her.

She looks up from the toilet and wipes her mouth with her arm.

"Feel better, Gardenia?" I take a wash cloth and soak it in the sink before handing it to her to wipe her face.

She slowly nods her head, she looks terrible, well like sick terrible, she is still hot, you know what I mean.

Tate tries to stand up but immeditaly grabs the vanity edge. I put my hands under her breasts to keep her still.

She looks around frantically, I'm getting kind of worried. I don't know who she would have gotten sick- I'm going to shoot Quinton. He insisted on getting chinese from this sketchy place and Tate ate like all of it.

Tatum starts rubbing her eyes, trying to look around.

"Can you see?" my hands grip tighter around her.

"I'm just lighthead," she takes a moment, "I'm seeing spots."

"Just lightheaded my ass," I slowly pick her up and take her to the bed.

She doesn't even say anything or pick a fight, obviously showing something is wrong.

I grab my phone and start dialing Jameson, our on call doctor, to come here when I start hearing her groan. I turn around to see Tate hutched over holding face in her hands.

She notices me staring at her and gives a little smile, trying to show she's okay.

"Jameson, I need you up here right now," I says sternly into the cell.

"On my way up now," Jameson voices through the phone.

I hang up making my way next to Tatum.

"I'm going to die," she dramatically collapses on the bed.

"Guess I'll have to give you mouth to mouth," I say leaning over her.

Her eyes open quickly, "Back up, lover boy, don't wanna get you sick."

"Jameson will be here in a minute," I inform her.

"Jameson?" she says rubbing her forehead.

"Doctor," I rub her back.

She nods lightly, then tries to get out of bed.

I yank her shirt pulling her back on the bed. She turns around and gives me a dirty look.

I roll my eyes, "You're staying in bed unless you have to throw up."

She groans and lays back on the bed, pulling the covers up to her chin.

A light knock is heard from the door, causing Tate to roll eyes eyes.\

"Come in," I say to Jameson.

Jameson walks in in a pair of black jeans and white tee. His blonde hair is not styled like usual.

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