15 Hours

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As soon as I saw the message Nevay sent me, I got into my car. I drive as fast as I can to the shop. When I get there I pull the car to curb, turning off the engine. I rush to the door.

I'm met with Nevay crying, her hands are shaking as she runs up to me.

I look around for Tate. She is not here.

"Where is she?" I ask Nevay. 

She keeps sobbing, bringing her hands to her face.

"Nevay. Where is Tate?" I keep my tone firm.

She wipes her nose with her arm, "There were some guys that came in."

"She had a gun. Has she always carried a gun? She doesn't look like she would, she's too sweet," she rambles.

"Nevay," my voice gets her focus.

Her eyes go to an aisle near by, "They took her," she whispers.

I follow her gaze, a smear blood lays on the floor. I walk over to the aisle. Two men lay on the floor dead. One with a bullet through his head while the other has a hole in his neck. 

"Tell Quinton to get here. Now," I demand as I squat down to one of the bodies.

The tattoo on his neck catches my eye first, a snake. I turn to the other body, another snake tattoo. Vipers.

"Fuck," I say to myself. 

I bring my hand to my hair. I control my breathing, reminding myself she is going to be okay.

A couple minutes go by until Quinton gets here. He runs into the shop, his face pales when he sees Nevay.

"What happened...." he trails off as he sees the bodies.

I stand up, making my posture straight. He connects everything within a minute. 

"They could be anywhere. They have places here, France, Russia, Italy, and Poland," Quinton wipes his face with his palm.

We start to walk out when Nevay stops us. 

"You aren't just leaving me here are you?" she questions.

"Vay-" Quinton starts.

"What the hell is going on? My best friend just got kidnapped and you aren't even calling the cops?" she points a finger at us.

Quinton and I share a look, "We will tell you what we can on the way."


"So the mafia?" Nevay tilts her head, her eyes still puffy from crying.

I nod, turning on the driveway to the office.

"She'll be okay, right?" Nevay says carefully.

I tighten my hands on the steering wheel knowing that I don't have an answer.

Her body freezes in realization. The moment I park the car, I am already rushing into the building. 

"Furore," I say and he follows me.

We go into my office. I take a seat, he takes the seat across, Quinton stands by the door.

I tell him everything we know. He nods along with everything I tell him.

"I can hack into the camera, and follow their car," Furore tells me.

I nod, gesturing for him to get up.

"Quinton, tell Lucas," he leaves the room.

I burry my face in my hands, taking deep breaths. She's going to be okay. She is okay, I tell myself.

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