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"What?" I choke out. How-Why is Kenji here?

A lone tear rolls down my cheek.

"No, don't cry. He deserves no tears shed from you, Gardenia." Lucian wipes my tear away.

I can't move, my body is paralyzed. Everything around me is so loud but quiet at the same time, everything is moving slow, it feels like the earth stop spinning.

Lucian places his hands on my shoulders which brings me back to reality.

"Why is he here?" I question, praying he's not here for me.

"I don't know, Tatum," guilt floods his expression.

I shake my head. I can't leave here, that would show I fear him, and fear is weak.

"We are not leaving," I say flat-toned.

Lucian's brows raise, "We aren't?"

"No," I say trying not to let my voice shake.

"Are you sure?" he squeezes my shoulders.

"Mhm," I say, trying to convince myself I'll be fine.

Lucian looks all over my face, like he's searching if he heard me right, "I want to stay, Lucian," I say.

He nods and takes my hand. We walk back in the direction we came from. We pass men who nod a Lucian like he's their king. We reach the bar and I see Quinton standing there alone with a glass of whiskey. I look around to make sure Kenji isn't near when I let go of Lucian's hand and approach Quinton. Lucian follows behind and orders us drinks.

"Where's your lady friend?" I ask him smirking.

He scoffs, "Stood me up."

"Oh, I'm sorry," I apologize. "She's missing out."

He laughs and looks at Lucian behind me, "Is everything going well?"

"Kenji Teronto is here," he takes a drink from his fresh glass.

"What do you want to do?" Quinton asks him.

"I want to fucking kill him," he says with rage.

I look around and see a familiar figure faced away talking to a young man. God is that Kenji?

I clear my throat and point to the figure, "Is that him?"

"That's Lorenzo, right?" Quinton asks Lucian.

"Fucking hell," Lucian rants.

"Who's Lorenzo?" I ask.

The both look at eachother, like they are having a conversation without speaking. A worried look reach Quinton's face.

"His right-hand man, he does a lot of his killings..." Quinton says. Killings? Is he going to kill me?

"Fuck," Lucian says under his breath. I look back to where Lorenzo and Kenji were talking, but know they are faced us and nearing.

Kenji has a devilish smile when his eyes meet mine while he walks towards us. I try my best not to freak out and run. Images of him last time I saw him floods my mind.

"Lucian," Kenji says still looking at me. I try to keep my face straight.

"Leave," Lucian orders.

"Why? We haven't done anything," Kenji says with a sarcastic pout.

"You know exactly why, you're not to be here, and especially not near her," Lucian says aggravated. I shift my body so it's behind Lucian's. I hear Kenji laugh probably from me hiding."

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