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After we eat waffles and fruit Lucian and I stay seated at the breakfast table staring at eachother. I'm definitely going to win this staring contest, it's been atleast 1 minute so I'm not going to give up now. My eyes star getting watery but Lucian looks unfazed, gosh how can he be so hot while doing a staring contest.

My eyes start fluttering until I completely blink. I facepalm to my loss.

"Ha! I win!" Lucian exclaims.

My eyes widen, did he actually just sound happy, the last time I've heard him this happy was in the car when he brought me to my fathers after the ball.

"I lost on purpose," I denie my loss.

"Uhuh..." he says while smirking.

"Can I ask you something, Lucian?"

"Only if you don't ask to ask a question, Tatum."

"Instead of you having someone get me a dress, can I go dress shopping to pick one out?" I ask nervously.

Lucian runs his hands through his messy brunette hair. His eyes travel around the kitchen and then his eyes return to mine.

"Yeah, you can come with me when I go to pick out a suit," he says.

I bite back a smile. He quickly stands up and gestures to someone going to down the hall, he then points to the dirty plates on the table.

"No, no, no. Let me clean this up," I says to him.

A lady is a black v-neck t-shirt tucked into her black pants comes up and starts picking up plates. I grab our two water cups and make my way to the kitchen sink and set them in. I walk back to the table infront of Lucian.

"You don't have to do that," he says.

"It's fine, I need to earn my keep if I'm going to be staying here," I reasure.

Lucian shakes his head and walks toward the left hallway. I run up behind him and tap his shoulder. He turns around and tilts his head down to look at me, he towers over me.

"What is it, Tatum?" he shakes his slightly annoyed.

"When are you tux shopping?" I say a little bit excited.

"I'm leaving in half an hour," he deadpans.

My mouth creates an o shapes, "OMG!" I yell as I run through the hall and up the stairs, nearly tripping and falling on my face. I open my bedroom door and quickly slam it behind my. Theres a note left on the walk-in closet door that says 'New clothing arrived-Gia P'. I don't think I've heard of Gia, I need to find her later and thank her.

I go into the closet and look in awww at the new clothing, most look expensive and designer brand. My eyes settle on the one of the only casual clothing; white sweater and black skinny jeans. I go through the jewelry in the center of the closet and pick out a simple butterfly chained necklace.

 I go through the jewelry in the center of the closet and pick out a simple butterfly chained necklace

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