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We separate from the other guys once we reach the second floor. Heading to our room I look down at my blood covered hands.

"I'm going to take a bath," I rub my hands together.

Lucian nods, placing a hand on my lower back. He opens the bedroom door for me and an idea pops into my mind.

"We're taking one together!" I'm already running into the bathroom before I can hear his response.

I grab the soap for bubbles and bath salts. This is too exciting. I turn on the faucet, water starts filling the tub. I have to squat down to look into the cabinet under the vanity. I grab one of my new gardenia scented body soaps. I saw the name of it and couldn't help myself, I bought seven bottles.

"Lucian, get your fat ass in here!" I yell over the sound of the water.

Lucian enters the bathroom, shaking his head.

"I'm not taking a bubble bath," he deadpans.

"You'll get to see my naked though..." I wink at him.

He thinks it through for a moment.

"Okay, deal."

I get the bath ready. White foam covers the top of the water. I lit vanilla scented candle next to the sink.

I rinsed most of the blood off me in the sink using a cloth. My hands still have a tint of red.

I pull my hair up into a simple bun, a few hairs stay out that aren't quite long enough to fit into the bun.

"Undress, Sicilian," I look him up and down.

He undoes his belt and I turn around. I slip off my heels.I bring the strap of my dress off my shoulder. I have to shimmy my thighs to get the waist of the dress off from my thighs. The dress drops to the floor and step out of it.

I don't turn to Lucian as I bring a leg over the tub. I slowly sit down into it. I sit more in the middle rather than against the back of it.

Lucian takes a seat behind me, his chest presses against my back. I relax against his skin, leaning my head back against his collar bone.

He leans his head down to my forehead and kiss it.

I smile as I lean up, grabbing the bottle of soap. I hand it to Lucian and he pops the top open.

He uses my cream loofah to scrub my skin. He draws circles with the sponge along my back and on my shoulders. He hangs the loofah on the faucet and starts using his hands to massage my back. His thumb presses right above my hip and a moan almost slips past my lips.

"You like that?" he asks, his lips millimeters from my neck.

"Mhmm," is all I can form.

His deep chuckle behind me viberates the water, causing it to move.

"Turn around," I say, alread turning myself.

I scoot to the other end of the tub as he turns himself.

He fits himself between my legs. My breasts press against his inked back.

I grab the soap and the loofah. I put some soap onto the sponge and start scrubbing his lower back. I make my way up his back up to his neck. From his neck I scrub each shoulder. I set the loofah on the handle that turns the water hot.

Instead of massaging his back like he did to me, I place kisses along his spine. I trace the snake that wraps around a detailed skull.

After a while of sitting like this he turns us around again so I'm leaned against his chest. He twirls his fingers in my stray hairs.

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