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I could watch this man do anything and still be in aww. He's literally just holding his dick peeing, and I'm in aww.

Just kidding.

But, I am in aw right now watching Lucian, how can someone be so attractive brushing their teeth?

I turn around and walk out the bathroom after I put my green toothbrush on the rack, while he continues to brush his mouth with his blue one.

"What would you do if I was a toaster?" I ask randomly, look through the open door at Lucian as he washes his face.

His head quickly turns and he scrunches his nose at me, "A toaster?"

"Mhmm," I hum, combing through my hair.

"Make toast, I guess," his husky morning voice rings through my ears.

"Kinky," I wink and go to my room to change.

Milo rubs against my ankle purring, I squat down and pick up the ginger ball of fur.

I tap his nose followed by a small peck on his nose. I set him down as I scavenge through the endless closet, well it's not endless but you know what I mean.

"Tadaaa!" I hum twirling infront of Milo, who sits on the jewlery table grooming himself.

"Tadaaa!" I hum twirling infront of Milo, who sits on the jewlery table grooming himself

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I slide a silver ring, that looks like a tree branch with leaves.

After I perfect my waterproof mascara, I aint risking it anymore, I skip down the hall and down the stairs.

"Pretty, Sugar," Quinton says.

"Thank you, Schmoopy," I clasp my hands together when I see a bowl of chocolate strawberries.

I grab the bowl and take it to the sofa, Quinton watches me eyes wide, "No."

"No what?" I ask him.

"Those are mine," Quinton states.

I lift up the bowl searching for something, "It doesn't say your name on it," I shrug eating another.

Quinton rolls his eyes taking the strawberries and leave the den, that's when I notice my bracelet I gave him because it was gold.

"Nice bracelet, Snuggluffagus," I smile.

"Did you just call him Snuggluffagus?" a deep voice says behind my head.

I lean my head back to see Lucian, "Yes I did, do you want to be called Snuggluffagus?"

"I'll pass," He says walking around the sofa and infront of me.

"Do you ever wear anything other than black? You look like a wanna be emo," I smack my hand over my mouth to stop insulting him, I don't want to make him cry. Wait- he is a leader of the Sicilian mafia, he would be a loserrrr if he cried.

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