Sweet Cakes

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I wake up to the sounds of talking near by. I open my eyes and find myself still on the comfy velvet sofa. I lean up and look around the room to find Lucian and Quinton, the guy from last night, sitting at the table discussing something.

I tuck my hair behind my ear that had falling infront of my face. I walk over to the table, and the two men turn in my direction.

"Good morning, gorgeous," Quinton says with a smirk.

"Uh.. good morning," I wave a my fingers at him.

Lucian looks me up and down, causing goosebumps all over my body.

"Tatum, there is a change of clothes for you on the bar," Lucian gestures to the bar.

I nod and go over to the bar. The clothes on the bar are just some joggers and an oversized tee.

I look over to the guys, "Can I have some privacy?"

"Theres a bathroom across from this room that you can change in," Lucian says and turns back to Quinton.

"Oh, mmk."

I make my way to the bathroom and change. My hair is like a lion's mane, sticking up in random spots. I search the drawers and find, what looks to be an unused hairbrush. I brush through my rats to where my hair looks decent, and I take a mouthful of water from the sink. I head back to the lounge, Lucian and Quinton still at the table.

I take a seat at the table and look down in my lap, fidgeting with my fingers.

"I'm sorry I stayed here, I didn't mean to fall asleep," I apoligize.

"No need to worry, Doll," Quinton reasures.

A smile teases at the corner of my mouth.

Lucians gives Quinton and aggravated look.

"Did my father leave me here?" I ask

Lucian nods.

I sigh under my breath. How could he just leave me here. I get it, I made him mad for drinking and being 'unfeminine', but to just abandon me in 'The Devils' mansion. He could care less if I had gotten hurt or killed last night.

Quiton stands up, "Gorgeous, can I get you anything?"

I think for a moment and nod.

"Tea, with sugar?"

Quinton nods and walks out the room.

"I can't believe that piece of shit left you here, he knows what I'm capable of and what I do," Lucian rants.

I just stare at him, countinuing to fidget with my hands, pulling at the loose skin on my nails.

Lucian runs his hand through his hair, causing my cheeks to go pink. Lucian smirks a little, but it instantly goes away.

"I need to get home, my brothers are probably going insane wondering where I'm at, Lucian."

"I'll take you home alright?" Lucian says.

"Thank you," I say.

Quinton comes back in with a cup of tea and two coffees.

He slides a coffee to Lucian and hands me the tea.

I take a sip,"Ow!" the damn tea burnt my tongue.

"Oh sorry, it's still hot," Quinton says.

"Well no shit it's still hot," Lucian says.

I giggle and blow on the tea, setting it back on the table.

"What is Quinton to you?" I ask Lucian.

"My right-hand man," Lucian informs.

I nod and place my hands on the table. The silence is so awkward, but I don't know what to say, I usually always have something to say.

"Baby doll, are you alright?" Quinton asks.

I look at Quinton, "Mhm, Sweet Cakes, I'm just fine,"

Quintons chuckles. I look over to Lucian who's smiling. My eyes light up and I smile at him.

Everyone is silent while we finish our drinks.


"Ready to go, Tatum?" Lucian asks

I nod and take his hand to get out of the chair.

We make our way through the halls, "This is all yours?" I ask

"Yeah, my parents our staying at our place in Chicago. So I'm here with some of my men," Lucian says.

"It's gorgeous," I say smiling.

We arrive at the door and he holds it open for me, what a gentleman.

We walk up to a black porsche and he opens the door, holding out his hand for me. I take his hand and he squeezes it gently, and I scoot into the seat.

"Can I turn on some music?" I ask Lucian.

"Yeah, here use my phone."

"Password?" I ask him.

He takes the phone and types in a few digits and hands it back.

I hit spotify and turn on 'Empire State of Mind'  by Jayz and Alicia Keys, one of my favorite songs.

I tap my fingers to the beat of the song on my leg, and sway a little in my seat.

I look over to see Lucian tapping his finger on the steering wheel to the songs.

"Let's hear it for New York, New York, New Yorkkk" I whisper, so lightly I can barely hear myself.

Lucian laughs, and I look over to see him mouthing the rap part.

"Omg! You know this song!!" I shift to face him better.

"No I don't" He denies.

"Nothing to be ashamed of," I tap his shoulder and bite back a smile.

"The city of sin is a pity on whin" I rap.

He smirks and he joins in not confident at all, loser,  "Came here for school, graduated to the high life"

We keep singing the song to the end, which ends in us laughing. I smile so hard at Lucian as he laughs, from the time I first saw him in the ball to now is the happiest I've seen him.

"You can't tell anyone about this, Tate!" he says with his brows raised.

"No, of course not, nobody is allowed to know 'The Devil' can rap Empire state of mind!" I giggle.

Someone pinch me. 

That did not just happen.

I look out the window to the street. We stop at a red light and he put his finger under my chin and turns my face to look at him.

I smile at him, looking into his emerald eyes that are staring at my lips.

He leans down to my lips and kisses me. More passionate than last time, so much more emotion. I gasp as his tongue slides into my mouth over mine. He groans and continues to kiss, moving his hand over to my shoulder, I start to copy his movements against my mouth.

A car honks from behind, causing us to break apart from the kiss. The light has changed from red to green.

I touch my slightly swollen lips, keeping my eyes off Lucian.

The rest of the ride his silent other than the sound of the radio playing.

We arrive infront of my mansion, I can't help but feel somewhat disappointed to be back here. I get out the Porsche and wave goodbye.

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