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"I might be a bus boy, but you just got served," Tate does an air mic drop as we pull the car up to the estate.

I turn my head to her and blink at her a few times.

Her light blue eyes stare at me in disbelief.

Anytime she looks at me I drown.

"Seriously? Lucian you some problems we are going to need to fix if we are going to be together," she shakes her head with a disapproved look.

"I don't get it," Adam says from the back seat.

Tatum's head snaps to Adam, "I'm going to cry."

I turn the key to the car and the engine stop. I get out of my seat and circle the car to the passengers side. I open the door for Tate, taking her hand helping her out.

She gives me a warming smile that always makes my heart stutter.

Her dress is ruined, covered in blood, but it's hot as hell on her.

We make our way inside, but she stops me from walking any further once the rest of the guys go upstairs.

"Hmm?" I look down to her.

She bites the corner of her lip nervously.

"I read-" she shakes her head and restarts, "I want to try something..."

I give her a confused look and her eyes flicker around the room.

She doesn't say anything. She grabs my wrist and tugs at my arm, telling me to follow her up the stairs.

Fuck, she's strong.

Once we get into our room she shuts the door and locks it.

What is she up to?

"Okay, you can so no if you don't want to..." she looks at the floor.

"Tate, what are you trying to say?" I take a step closer to her.

Her lips curl up, her blue eyes trail from the floor up to my gaze.

"Can I tie you up?" she says quickly.

It takes me a moment to process what she said, in result making her cheeks turn red.

My mouth stays open as I try to understand what she means, she doesn't mean it the way I'm thinking right?

"You can say no," she fiddles with the green fabric of her thigh.

"As in," my eyes look over to the bed and then to her.

"Yes, as in I tie you to the bed, Lucian," she starts sway back and forth on her heels.

I simply nod in response.

Her smile on her face goes wide and her celestite eyes grow darker as they dilate.

She waves her manicured nails at me, silently telling me to go over to the bed. She turns to my dresser and opens a drawer.

I do as she says. I take a seat on the bed and lean against the head board.

She looks over her shoulder at me, and eyes me head to toe.

"Undress," she looks away again.

I can picture the smile she has on her face right now.

A chuckle leaves my lips and I stand up. I shrug off my coat and unbotton my shirt. I undo the button on my slacks and pull them along with my boxer briefs down to my ankles. I take clothes and drape them over the leather chair next to me and lay back on the bed again.

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