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Cole pulls over to the curb of the road, infront of the red brick house I lived in for 5 years.

"I'll tell Lucian that you got here, bye Tatum," Cole says as I get out the car door.

I narrow my eyes at the brunette and then nod.

"Bye, Cole!" I shut the door and head for the white door to the brick house.

I bring my fist to the door and knock it 4 times before I put my hands behind my back, waiting for my aunt.

Relief washes of me when I see the tall woman with dark brown hair. I haven't seen her in so long, we've message for holidays and birthdays but that's about it. When she pulls me into a hug, it feels like we were never apart.

"Oh, Tatum, it has been too long," she cups my face, smiling down at me.

"I know. I've missed you aunt Céline."

Her smile widens, showing more her gums.

"I've missed you too, now come in here before you get cold, that LA weather must be nice," she rolls her eyes, guiding me into the living room.

"It's only about 10 degrees different, Cé," I laugh as I take a seat on the white sofa. How does she keep it so white?

My nose starts to run and I use the back of my arm to wipe it, my aunt gasps. Um alright..?

She grabs my arm and stares at it for a solid minute before speaking.

"Tatum, what is this?" she points to my forearm.

I look to see my tattoo, I shake my head smiling when I meet her eyes.

"A tattoo."

"No shit, Tatum Gardenia Queenston,"  she rolls her eyes.

She hated my father, so would never say the surname Kingston, so she would call me Queenston. Queenston sounds good to me, so I never really cared.

She traces the snake with her pinky finger, chewing on the corner of my mouth.

"I love it," she smiles lightly at me, making me smile in response.

"I do too."

She puts her hands back in her lap, looking me up and down.

"You've gotten so big!" aunt Céline says proudly.

I frown.

She slaps my shoulder gently, "My god Tate, not like that! I mean older."

I roll my lips into my mouth to stop from laughing, and I nod my head.

We talk for about an hour, catching up with eachother. Not much has changed for her, she still lives here, she babysits the little kids in the neighborhood, and works at the cafe down the block.

"I'm pretty sure Lee and Kamila are at home, I bet they want to see you," she stands up from the sofa.

"I'm gonna go head over there," I hug her tightly.

"Love ya," aunt Cé waves at me.

"Love ya too," I wave back, shutting the door behind me.

I practically run to next door to the white white house.

I look down at the welcome home mat and smile, it has been way to long since I've been here.

I knock 4 times, holding my hands, waiting for someone to answer.

The door opens and Kamila stands infront of me with her onyx black, wavy hair and light brown skin. Her light green eyes wide when she sees it's me.

"T! T! EEE!" she squeals, hugging my legs.

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