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I wake up to my ears ringing and my head throbbing. My vision finally focuses and I realise I'm not in a place I recognize. The walls are dark green and a king-size bed lays behind me. The only decor on the wall is a body size mirror. I look at myself in it, my hair is a mess and my bandage from my cheek is off, but my stitches look to be doing fine, but my brunette hair has blood soaking in it.

My focus shifts away from myself when the door creaks open, I turn my body, gripping onto the nearest dresser.

A tall man, with dirty blond hair, dark eyes, with a very visible scar along his cheek, tattoos cover him, I'm looking at Kenji Teronto.

"Finally woken up I see," he looks at my body up and down with amusment.

I shift my eyes to the floor and stare at them as if they were the only thing in the world.

The man infront of me is the second most fear mafia man, Lucian Sicilian being first, yet I fear Kenji the most.

Kenji approaches me and I step farther back.

He doesn't stop coming towards me until he has me cornered against the wall.

He lowers his head to my neck, I can't feel his warm breath against me. I'm disgusted by him, his cologn is far too strong and just the thought of what he does to women makes me sick to my stomach.

He brings his mouth closer to my neck and I let out a yelp. He starts biting my neck with some force.

A tear rolls down my cheek, "Get off me!"

I slap his face, my hands sting from the contact.

He leans his head up, "You little shit," he spits.

His takes my wrists in one hand and puts them above my head.

Tears spilling out from my eyes, "L-let g-" I choke.

He lowers his head again and with so much force, he bites into me lower neck. I grunt in pain.

"No, no!" I plea.

His bite only gets worse, I can feel him tearing into my skin.

He moves one of his hands to my thigh, gripping it tightly.

"Ow! That hurts!" I struggle to say with my sobs.

He starts moving his hand upwards, I sob.

I can only imagine what he'll do to me. The thought of him taking away my innocence disgusts me even more than I already am.

His hand plays with the fabric on my skirt. I grabs the fabrics beneath it and choke on my tears.

I use my foot and kick him, right in his crotch area with all my strength.

He releases his bite from my neck and looks at me in pain. He lets go of my wrist and grabs his crotch, "You Bitch!"

I run out of the room, tears falling from my eyes, down my cheeks, and falling to my chest.

I'm so relieved I got him off me, what if it lasted a minute longer... I shake the thought out of my head.

I run through this maze of a house until I get stopped by a young lady, I suppose in her teen.

"Please help me! I need out! Please!" I beg her.

She nods and I follow.

"Hurry, you can't let him get to me!!" I rush her,

She speed walks through halls until we reach a double door.

"Be careful," she says with an apologetic smile.

I grab her hand and squeeze them, "Thank you so much."

I run out the door and through the gates.I run as far as I can until  I have to turn into an alley way to get a breath.

Where am I going to go? If I go to Father's he'll send me back to Kenji, and I for sure can't go back there. I have no where to go...

I wipe the tears left on my face.

The only place I have gotten somewhat good care, was Lucian's mansion, that's the only place I can think of going to.

I take in a long breath and begin running to Lucian's.

I shove passed people as the walk the opposite direct, "Watch it!" someone yells.

I keep running not looking back, until I'm met with huge black gates, guarding the gorgeous mansion Lucian owns.

I shake the gates, but they're locked.

I turn to the guard next to the gate, "Can you let me in? I need to see Lucian."

The man only raises a brow and looks away.

"I need to see him!" I shout at him.

"Listen girl-" he gets cut off.

"She's fine. let her in," a familiar voice says from the other side of the gate.

I turn to see Quinton standing before me.

His eyes widen as he looks at me.

Quinton leads me into a lounge area, bigger than the one before.

I take a seat at a dark red love seat, and he takes one at the other across from me.

"What happened to you, Doll?" he asks.

My eyes start getting blurry, but I force myself to hold back.

"Can I speak to Lucian?" I ask

He shakes his head, "He's not here. He's doing buisness,"

"Oh..." I sigh.

"He'll be back later tonight. You can stay here until he gets back," he says with a reassuring smile.

"Tell me what happened, Tatum," Quinton says my name.

I take a deep breath.

"My father arranged a marriage with Kenji Teronto."

Quinton stares at me blankly.

"They knocked m-me out," I hold the tears back.

"I woke up in his room and he tried to take..." the tears start coming out again.

"he tried but I got away," I sigh. "I have nowhere to go, the only place I could think of was here."

Quinton continues to stare at me, I shift my eyes away, feeling uncomfortable.

I wipe the tears away and Quinton stand up.

"I'm gonna go check when, Boss is back," he says and I nod.

I stand up and go to the mirror at the end of the room. I turn my head a little and look at my neck, dried blood surrounds the bites marks. I reach my hand up and touch it, pain shoots through me.

"ah!" I yelp.

I throw myself onto the love seat and burry my face in it, soaking the cushion in my tears.

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