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"If you aren't ready, you don't have to. We can wait," Lucian tells me as I get ready.

"I am ready," I tell him, mostly reminding myself.

I dress in a short lacey black top and a pair of black jeans.  Beside me, Lucian wears black slacks and a white button up, the sleeves rolled to mid forearm.

He adjusts the silver watch on his wrist. I hold my heels up and he kneels down, placing my foot on his thigh. He straps on the heel onto my foot and then does the other.

He walks with me down to the car and opens my door. The drive is silent as we go to the office. When we go through the halls every person nods in respect to Lucian.

We go into the room where two men sit in the center, tied to chairs. Von's head is down and Nikolai smiles at us, blood covering his face. I looked at Nikolai's hand and see two fingers are missing, I smile.

Lucian's hand squeezes my shoulder as we approach to two men. Along the wall behind us Lucian's men and women stand watching everything unfold.

"Lets play a game, yeah?" I look at the two men bound to chairs and then to my boyfriend.

"Pick a number..." I count the amount of weapons on the tray, "one through fifteen."

They both don't say a thing.

"Pick one or I'll choose myself, but that wouldn't be as much fun," I cross my arms.

"Seven," Von spits.

"Eleven," Nikolai speaks up.

I look at the ones they chose, "Lucian, it's your favorite."

I pick up the small blow torch and hand it to him. The grin on his face is almost sadistic.

I wrap my fingers around a knife, running my finger along the side of the blade.

Lucian stands back and watches as I unbutton Von's shirt. I bring the point of the blade right under his ribs and carve a 'T' into his chest. Von squeezes his eyes shut as I push the blade deeper as I carve my name into his skin.

I take a step back, twirling the knife. I watch Lucian burn the name 'Sicilian' into Von's flesh. His screams fill the room, music to everyones ears.

When Lucian finishes I tap Nikolai's chin. 

"Smile Mr.Fedorov," I tell him. 

He hesitates before giving me a toothy smile.

I bring the knife to the corner of his mouth, forcing the smile wider. I cut the skin all the way to his ear and then copy it to the other side. He yells in pain, making my smile wider, probably similar to the one forced on his face.

"Tongue out," Lucian tells him.

Nikolai complies, sticking his tongue out.

"Can you hand me those, amore" he gestures to the camps on the metal tray.

"Mhm," I hum, picking up the metal tool. 

He clips is tongue to his chin. Lucian turns on the blow torch, melting his tongue.

Nikolai screams. I turn to the people at the wall and they stare at us with amused or wide eyes. I lick my bottom as I look over the other tools on the tray.

I grin to Lucian as I pick up a small pistol. I point the tip of the gun at Von's knee. I stare into his eyes with a smile on my face as I pull the trigger. I set the gun down and push my index finger into the wound. He cries out as I twist my finger into the bloody knee.

I wipe the blood on my finger on his burnt stomach, he groans out in pain. Lucian takes him by the hair, pulling his head back exposing Von's neck. 

I pick up  a blade, placing it on a vein.

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