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"Lucian! This is gorgeous!" I admire the my new bedroom.

The walls are light grey, the tall cushioned bedframe to the queen size bed, body mirror near the large bay window, and walk in closet.

"What's in there?" I point to the door across from the black comforted bed.

"Bathroom," Lucian says.

I run into the bathroom to see a wall length mirror above the vanity. The shower is glassed, perfectly see through. Absolutly the best bathroom I have ever seen.

I turn around to see Lucian looking at me through the doorway, "I forgot to ask you, but can I get new clothes? I don't want to go back to Father's." I ask him.

"I've already got someone out shopping for you," he informs.

A grin creeps on my face, "Thank you, Lucian, for everything."

He just nods. I've never had someone willing to care for me, my brothers have always been by my side when they could, but when father got in their way ever so slightly, they would step down. I under stand that tho, I am terrified of that man too, he's made his way into my nightmares everynight.

"You should get settled in, Tatum. I have to go to the office, I won't be back 'till late tonight," Lucian informs.

"Alright, is there Netflix on the TV?" I ask.

"I believe so," he smirks.

"I'm gonna binge watch All American again," I squeal.

"Again?" he asks concerned.

"Yup!" I say confidently.

He laughs under his breath and leaves. Even though I'm gonna be alone I'm gonna make the best of my time without being bothered.

I fall back on the bed after taking a hot shower. This is probably the softest bed EVER, I could lay here all day, and that's what I'm gonna do.

I turn on All American and start watching it. I take a few tissues out of the side table drawer to be prepared.

I look over to the clock to see it's already 10:30 pm, I've watched TV all day and haven't got up once.

I wonder when Lucian is gonna get back. I get up and wonder through the halls of this masterpiece of a home. I run my fingers along the stone wall. I step on each crack on the tile below my feet.

I get get stopped when I walk into a wall, oh wait, that's a chest. I look up to see Quinton staring down at me.

"Oh hey!" I greet him.

"Pumpkin, what are you doing?" he asks.

"Stepping on cracks?" I state the obvious.

He laughs, "Did you have fun alone?"

"I guess, I watched alot of Netflix," I say.

"Mmm ok, I'm going to my room. Lucians bedroom is at the end of the hall if you need him."

"Alright, thanks" I say and turn around and walk away.

I make my way back to my room, I really don't want to sleep in jeans. I guess I'll ask Lucian if they've brought my clothes yet.

I step out the room and head for Lucian's room. I stand next to the door to hear yelling, I think he's on the phone with someone, because I don't hear another voice. I can't understand anything though.

When the yelling stops I knock on the door lightly. "Come in," I hear an annoyed voice say from inside.

"Sorry for bothering, but have my clothes came in yet?" I ask Lucian.

He shakes his head, "They'll be here in the morning."

"Oh, okay," I turn around to leave.

"Tatum," he says before I shut the door.

"Yeah?" I ask turning to face him.

"You can borrow a t-shirt if you want, it might fit you like a dress," he says quietly.

I nod. Hopefully it smells like him, he smells really good.

I cross my arms over my chest when Lucian turns around and opens his dresser. He turns around with a black shirt folded neatly.

He tosses it my way and I catch it. Smooth

He stares at me, and his lips go in a straight line. This awkward...

"Good night, Lucian," I break the silence. His eyes go wide and his lips go back to how they are usually.

"Good night, Tate," he gives a little a smirk.

I walk out shutting the door quietly. I go into my room and unzip my jeans and pulling off my sweater. I throw the t-shirt over my head, getting a whiff of his cologn. My stomach floods with butterflies. I pull up the shoulder, only for it to fall back down. The shirt ends at the middle of my thighs, fitting like a dress.

I go into the bathroom and brush through my hair and open a new tooth-brush from the drawer. I scrub my teeth with minty toothpaste and spit it out. I wipe my face with a cloth and hang it up.

I lay in bed and lay flat on my stomach on underneath the white comforter, closing my eyes to go to sleep. I drift off within 5 minutes because this bed is so dang soft.


After tons of tossing and turning from a nightmare I wake up drenched in sweat. I rub my forehead, I really thought these nightmares would stop because I'm in a new bed, but nope.

I stand up and walk into the bathroom, splashing some cool water on my face.

I go back to bed trying to go back to sleep, but I can't get myself to.

Screw it.

I knock on Lucian's door lightly and hear a groan from inside. I open the door enough for me to be seen.

"What is it, Tatum?" Lucian says with a husky voice. Hot

"Can I stay in here tonight?" I ask. Gosh this is so embarrassing.

"Why?" Lucian asks.

"I had a nightmare..." I feel immature admitting it.

Lucian nods and lifts the blanket, cueing me to join him in the bed.

I lay next to him a little stiff. He covers me with the soft blanket. I feel his warm chest against my back, ugh this shirt is in the way.

Lucian puts an arm around my scooting my even closer to him. I relax my body and close my eyes.

"Good night, Tatum," he whispers into my ear.

Goosebumps cover my body, hopefully he can't tell.

I turn my head to see Lucian out like a light. I lay my hand infront of my face and close my eyes, drifting on.

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