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I run my fingers in small circles along Tatums back as she sleeps. I've never really felt empathy for someone other than my mother from when I- no, stop.

Tatum has been through so much in her life and you can obviously tell she hates this life style and wants out. I don't think there is anyway for her out, especially her being 19 she's already an adult and being forced into marriage.

I would do anything to keep her safe, fuck, I've already bought her a damn cat. Milo is worth it tho, he's pretty easy other than the fact he pissed in my closet.

Tatum's body tenses up and I remove my hand from her back and lean over to her ear, "Gardenia?"

Tatum hums to my voice and rolls over to face me, her skin glows from the sun shining from the window. Her ice blue eyes stare into mine, if her eyes were compared to anything I think it would be celestite. Freckles spread across her nose and over her cheeks, shit I probably am making her uncomfortable with me staring at her.

I shake my head and throw my feet over the bed, sitting up facing the window I rub my eyes.

My phone starts buzzing on the nightstand, "What, Quinton?"

"We need you here at the office now," he emphasizes now.

"Why?" I groan.

"I'll tell you when you get here," he blows a kiss through the phone.

"I'm going to fucking-" I get cut off by the call ending.

I toss my phone on the bed and throw on a black shirt. As I change out of my sweatpants I catch Tatum watching me, "Enjoying the view?"

"No," she quickly denies and rolls over to face away from me. God she's gorgeous.

"I have to go to the office, I won't be back 'till later tonight," I inform her as I button up my black jeans.

"Don't miss me too much," she teases.

"I won't," I smile and walk out the door.


"Why am I here?" I roll my eyes at Quinton. He's lucky he's good with a gun or I would have put a bullet in his head years ago.

"One of the Vipers is here, Diego Alcaraz," he informs me. Fucking Vipers, they are one of our biggest enemys, Diego better be a blabber mouth and spill shit.

"How'd you get him here?" I question as we walk through the halls of the office.

"His location was traced when he tried hacking into our shit," Quinton scoffs as he opens the door to reveal, who I assume is Diego, cuffed to a chair in the lightly dimmer room.

"He hasn't said anything, Boss," Terry says before shutting the door, leaving me alone in here with Diego.

Diego keeps a straight face as I approach him. He has sweat dripping from his forehead and a stench coming from his body. I scrunch my nose to the smell, does this guy not know what deoderant is.

"Diego Alcaraz," I say looking at the information about him on the table aside of me.

"Have anything you want to say?" I say with a brow raised.

"I'm not saying shit," he tries to sound confident, hiding his fear, knowing who I am.

I roll my eyes at the man, and grab the knife from the table, "You're making this difficult for yourself, but making it fun for me," I smirk at him. Diego takes his eyes away from my direct, I grab his face and force him to look up at me.

"Why were you trying to hack into our shit?" I say tightening my grip on his jaw. He keeps his mouth closed, not budging. I take the knife in my hand and cut a chunk out of his right ear.

"Do I need to repeat myself?" Diego freezes not budging still.

"Terry!" I raise too fingers up when I hear the door open.

"Will you answer when I melt your skin off?" I ask Diego. He still isn't answering, I scoff and turn around taking the blow torch from Terry.

"Do you think your wife, Valentina, would like it if we cut off her fingers?" I ask him with a small smirk.

"Don't touch her, Sicilian!" He begs. I shake my head and point to the woman at the other end of the room.

"You asshole!" he yells at me when noticing his wife.

I press down on the button on the torch, blue and orange flames become visible. I slowly bring it over his. He yelps in pain, as the smell of burning flesh fills the room. His wife screams in terror after hearing the screams of her husband.

I turn off the torch and grab Diego's face, "Anything to say now?"

He shakes his head weakly, I hum while bringing the torch to his neck. The skin burns causing his jaw to clentch tight. He yells in pain, then I turn off the torch and drop it to the floor. I bring my hand to the back of his head, taking a handful of his salt and pepper hair, I pull it making his neck exposed. I take the knife and dig into his neck, slicing it, making blood spill out.

I wipe the blood from my face as he stares at me, gasping for air. His body a moment later relaxes, limp in the chair.

"Get rid of the body, and bring Valentina Alcaraz to the nearest pit stop," I order as I wipe my face and neck with the white cloth, that quickly turns red from the blood.


Quinton and I are sat on the couch drink some whiskey, neat.

"You're into her, so why don't you make a move or some shit?" Quinton suggests taking a drink from his glass.

"I'm not," I lie.

"I see how you look at her, I've never seen you look at someone like you do to her, Lucian," he crosses his ankles, keeping eye contact with me.

"She already hates the mafia, so why make her a bigger part of it?" I take a large gulp of my drink. I don't want to screw shit up and see her hurt, last time I screwed up it costed my brother's life. The Viper killed him, not even giving us his body for a proper burial. The reason my brother, Ellio , was there was completely my fault, I have the guilt of his death on my shoulders everyday.

"You bought her a fucking cat, man" Quinton curses.

"She had just saw a guy get shot and she needed something to brighten her mood," I excuse.

"Oh, well you bought her all that jewlery," he added.

"I think you like it more than her," I gesture to his wrist that has a gold bracelete wrapped around it.

"She said she's a silver girl," he shrugs. Ok so I need to remember she likes silver; noted.


Kinda short chapter.

Hopefully I did ok writing his POV, I didn't really know how to write it.

Hopefully I did ok writing his POV, I didn't really know how to write it

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