Guns N' Knives

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Lucian didn't come back to bed until I was already asleep. I woke up to his arm wrapped around my waist and his head in the crook of my neck this morning.

I stare my plate, poking my blueberries with my fork out of boredom. I sit at end of the table while Lucian is at the other end. Quinton already left to go to the base and Lucian's parents left to go to their penthouse a few minutes away.

I clear my throat and look over at Lucian whose engrossed in his phone. His attention averts towards me. He taps his fingers on the wooden table, waiting for me to speak up.

"What did Quinton need you for last night," I finally speak up.

He places a hand under his chin and rests his head on it.

"We are going to France, Marseille to be exact," he says monotone.

My eyes widen, "Really?"

He simply nods and then a smile creeps on his face, "We found out that my brother, Ellio, was sent there." He takes a deep breath, "You were right, they didn't kill him."

Relief washes over his face. It must feel great to get the guilt off of his shoulders, he said that he thought he was the reason his brother was dead, he obviously wasn't but still.

"Wow, that's..." I'm lost of words.

"Marseille can be very unsafe, especially with who we work with there, so we need to go to the base today and start training," he says.

"Like learn to use a gun and punch?" I ask.

He laughs softly, "Yeah like learn to use a gun and punch."


After breakfast I started getting ready. Lucian said that the dress code is buisness formal and to bring a change of workout clothes, so I picked out a white dress shirt, black dress pants, and a Gucci belt.

 Lucian said that the dress code is buisness formal and to bring a change of workout clothes, so I picked out a white dress shirt, black dress pants, and a Gucci belt

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I asked Lucian what he thought and he said I looked beautiful so that's good. I grabbed black high-waisted atheletic leggings and a strappy sports bra.

To say simply, I'm nervous.

I don't want to make a fool of my self infront of a bunch of mafia people.

As pull up to the building my worries only get worse until Lucian grabs my hands and squeezes it, giving me a little bit of relief.

"I'm nervous," I look up to Lucian when he scans his card on a door and it opens itself.

"It's just going to be us in the training room," he informs me.

Okay that's good.


What if I accidently shoot Lucian.


"Relax," he whispers as we walk through a hall.

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