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Strawberries? No...maybe raspberries? Yeah raspberries.

Tatum lays ontop of my bare chest, her long, silky, brunette hair sprawled out allowing me to get a whiff of the smell.

She looks so peaceful sleeping. I run my hands through her hair, god I love her so much.

I have to wake her up though so we aren't late for our flight to France.

I'm not going to lie, I'm nervous about meeting this Leo guy. Tate said they were only just friends, I swear if he touched her I'll cut off his hands.

Tatum said he's visited the LA a few times a year with his daughter, he is a single father, the mother left after she had the kid. He seems like a good guy, but I don't trust him. I had one of my guys do a background check on him, but they didn't find shit.

Okay, now I really need to get Tate up.

I run my index finger along the bridge of her nose, "Tatum."

She scrunches her nose and her nails run along my chest, fuck.

"Tatum, we need to get up," I remind her.

She squints her eyes from the light, did my heart just lag or something?

"What time is it," her rapsy morning voice meets my ears.

I shift over and look at the clock on my cell, "6:00"

She groans, knowing are flight is in 3 hours. I wanted to give her time to get ready, she takes forever to get ready, but who am I to complain.

"I hate you," she groans, burrying her face into my chest.

"Too bad I love you-" my eyes widen.

I didn't just-

She slowly tilts her head up, her wide eyes meeting mine and her mouth in the 'O' shape.

I want to roll my eyes for blurting it out and not saying it at a special time, but it's true I do.

"Say that again," she whispers, her palms pressed against my collarbone.

"I love you," I tuck a strand of hair that fell infront of her face behind her ear.

Her face flushes pink and her lips curl up.

"You don't have to s-"

"I love you," she cuts me off.

I wrap my hands around her waist and lean up, her body pressed against mine. Her lips meet mine for a moment and then I hear her breathing hitch.

"Is everything okay, Gardenia?"

"I have to get ready, I have like no time!" she rants, crawling off me and standing up.

I laugh lightly, "Okay, amore."

She's mine.

When she turns around I slap her ass making her twist and glare at me.

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