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"I will literally mug you."

"I'd like that," Lucian smirks from across the table.

"Kinky," I move my brows up and down at him.

I take a spoon full of Lucky Charms, flicking the marshmellows back in the bowl.

Lucian looks at me confused, then goes back to eating his toast.

"What?" I say with a mouthful.

"Swallow first," he shakes his head.

"Yeah, spitters are quitters," I nod, swallowing my cereal.

"Ok, now that my mouth is empty, what?" I ask.

"What are you doing with that," he motions to my Lucky Charms.

"I am eating this," I gesture over the bowl of now mostly marshmellow charms.

"Obviously, but why are you flicking the colors?" he flicks one of the green charms that fell on the table at me.

"I'm saving the best for left," I take a spoonful of my marshmellow charms and put it in my mouth.

Do people actually eat Lucky Charms in milk. The idea of that makes me want to vomit. Nasty.

I take a large gulp of my apple juice with my eyes looking over the rim of the glass. 

Lucian finishes his slice of toast. There is a smudge of grape jelly on the corner of his mouth. 

I motion my thumb on the corner of my mouth to tell him to wipe it off. He wipes the wrong side and I laugh quietly.

I lean forward over the table. I bring my thumb to his mouth and wipe the jelly off. I take my thumb and suck off the jelly.

He chuckles acrossed from me with a smile on his face.

"I saw something on the tv about a fair. Do you want to go tonight? I've never been before," I ask Lucian.

It's true. I've never been to a fair, amusement park, or anything like that. I was never allowed to go, but I've always wanted to.

I want funnel fries.

"Sure. I've never been either," he picks up our dishes and sets them in the sink.


What do you even wear to a fair?

"Pumpkin, just put on clothes," Quinton dangles a necklace infront of Milo.

Milo tries to catch the charm at the end but Quinton lifts the necklace just out of his reach.

"What kind of clothes?" I look over my shoulder as I search my closet.

"Like normal clothing. Sugar, you worry me sometimes,"  Quinton picks up Milo and craddles him in his arms.

"Is this good?" I hold up a pink skirt.

Quinton stares at me in shock.

"Do you want people to see your crotch?" he asks.

"I mean...." I tilt my head side to side, "no."

"Move. I have to do this myself," he shoos me back, passing me the ginger cat.

I scratch Milo's head as Quinton scavenges through my closet.

"Here," he passes me a tank top and white shorts.

"Here," he passes me a tank top and white shorts

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