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"Back up before I rip your balls off."

"I'd like that," Lucian smirks, turning on his heels and going back to the bedroom.

That man.

My man.

Lucian and I lost track of time and now I'm rushing to get ready. Lucian is already dressed in dress pants and a white dress shirt, rolled up to his elbows.

I want to bite his tattoos.

I'll do that later.

I put on a silk, gold dress. I didn't realise we were going to a fancy restaurant until about ten minutes ago. Leo picked out the restaurant and Lucian already knew the place.

I decide to do my hair simple and do a low bun, taking a few framing pieces out. I put in small silver hoops in my ears, followed by a small diamond in the second piercing spot.

I kinda want to get my belly button pierced, but then you can't swim for a while.

"Ayo, bro! Come 'ere!" I call out in a deep voice.

Lucian opens the door hesitantly, "Me?"

"Yes, you," I roll my eyes, "Idiot."

Who else would I be yelling for?

He steps in, his eyes trailing from the floor and up my body. I can't help but notice the pink flush on his cheeks.

"Rate one through te-" he cuts me off.


I flick his forehead, "I was going to say one through ten thousand so that was pretty rude of you."

"Just being honest," he flicks me back.

I point my finger at his chest, "I'm calling CPS."

He furrows his brows, looking confused.


"What?" I put my hand on my hip.

"CPS is child protective services.""

"I know, you are my daddy," I whisper shout at him, making sure to add a wink.

"Well, anyways, we need to leave," I walk out of the bathroom and put shoulder bag on.

I here a chuckle from inside the bathroom and then Lucian walks out.

He comes up from behind me and kisses my neck.

"I love you," I say, turning around to face him.

"I love you more," he puts his hands on my shoulders.

"I love you more more," I turn around and speedwalk out of the room before he can one up me.


"Anything I should be prepared for?" Lucian keeps his eyes on road while he asks me.

I think for a moment, "Kamila will probably be nervous and might have trouble talking, just give her time when she talks. Then for Leo, don't try to pry him open too much."

"Got it," he taps the steering wheel a few times while waiting at the stop light.

As we wait I grab his phone and turn on 'Love On the Brain by Rihanna'. Rihanna is love.

I remember when this song came out, I would pretend I was in a music video a sing it.

"We should watch a cute family movie later," definitely not Massimo kidnapping Laura.

"Okay, do you want me to get candy then on the way home?" he smiles, looking over at me.

I feel bad.

Ehh whatever, I bet he'll enjoy the movie. Whore.

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