The Ball

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I follow behind my father as he leads to the doors. There are many guards surrounding the mansion, each and everyone intimidating as ever.

I have the urge to poke one in the face and see what they'll do.

We reach the doors and the guard next to my father nods a him. They have a quiet exchange, and the man opens the gigantic doors.

My father instructs me to stay behind him as we walk down the long stairs.

I carefully watch my feet to make sure I don't trip. God that would be so embarassing, and with everyone watch.

OMG! Everyone is watching us, no wait me... My father has already walked out of sight.

I bite my lower lip nervously, fiddling with the black fabric on my thigh.

I can't help but feel anxious with everyones eyes on me. I keep my eyes up, and arms to my side as I finish walking down the stairs.

I walk through the crowd, passing tons of intimidating men, many with women close by, or witha drink in hand.

I already hate this, I don't see a single person that looks somewhat approachable.  I need a drink, something strong.

I make my way to the bar near the back. The bartender looks somewhat friendly I guess...

"Hi! I uh- am Tatum," I put my hand out to shake his and the man just shakes his head. I want to bang my head against a wall, stupid Gardenia.

The man rolls his eyes and walks to assist a man. Rude.

"Sir, " I try to get the bartenders attention.

"Can I umm..." I pick at the skin next to my nails, "I don't really know what to get, just something strong I guess," I laugh lightly.

The man pours some drinks and makes some type of concoction. He places it on the table, "There you go, Miss."

He's a little nicer than earlier, maybe he's willing to talk?

"So, how long have you been, uhh, bartendering?" is that even a word?

He rolls his eyes and turns around.

Nope, still rude. I grab my drink and flip his back off.

I walk to the big crowd of people once more and spot my father. I get myself to him and stand by his side.

"Tatum, lets go around and greet some unwed leaders."

I sigh and then nod following my father.

I feel like a lost puppy just following him around.

"Ahhh," he turns toward me. "There, that man right there is Lucian Sicilian."

He points toward a tall man, whos hair is near black, tattoos peaking his collar and some on his hands coming through his sleeves, he has a chissled sharp jaw, and from 15 feet away you can see his emerald eyes.

I nod to my father.

"He is known as the devil, he has no remorse. Easily one of the best men in the buisness." my father says, nearly smiling.

My father leads me to the tall man, who's talking to another tall buff guy, but Lucian is much more intimidating. His presence yet is warm rather than cold, which I get from the other men in the room.

"Lucian Sicilian!" my father says greeting him.

Lucian looks annoyed at my father, and sighs.

"What do you need, Pierre?" Lucian says in an annoyed tone.

I bite my lower lip trying to stop a smile, no one ever speaks to my father like that. I can tell my father is to scared to stand up for himself to 'The Devil' himself.

I light laugh escapes my lips, my father not noticing it but Lucian catches it. His eyes meet mine and his brow slightly raises, but then he shifts his gaze back to my father.

"This is my daughter, Tatum Kingston," my father guides his hand towards me.

I feel awkward just standing here, but I'm scared if I talk I'll embarrass myself, which would reflect on my father and my he would get mad. So instead I put my glass up to my mouth, and take a large gulp, my throat burns from the alcohol.

My father smacks the glass out of my hand, making a glass shard scrape against my cheek. I want to yelp, but I tuck my lips in my mouth stopping it. The cut stings, and I can feel the blood drip from my cheek.

I'm shocked he would do this in public, he has never taken anything out on me in public. I just stare at the glass peices all over the floor infront of me, my feet stuck to the floor like they dried in concrete. I hear my father scoff and his large footstep leave from behind, leaving me with men I have never met.

I slowly tilt my head up and meet Lucian whos staring at me. My face grows red, chills spiral through my body. My father is the one who forced me to come here and he just leaves me here. I understand though, I made a mistake, I should be ashamed of myself. Embarrassment is my punishment here.

"You're bleeding," Lucian says with no emotion.

"Oh uh, I-" I stutter not knowing what to say.

"Here, come with me and we can get you freshend up, alright?" He says almost reassuringly.

I hesitate, "What about all the glass?"

I move my foot, hearing more glass crunch beneath it.

"Quinton, can you get someone to clean this mess up?" he gestures to the floor to the man next to him.

"Yes boss," the man I assume Quinton responds.

Lucian starts walking away, I assume I'm supposed to follow?

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