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"You know most people move when some say 'excuse me'," Quinton glares at me with an empty cup in his hand.

"I'm filling up my water. You can wait two more seconds," I click the water button on the fridge.

As my cup fills Quinton taps his foot on the group while staring at the silver watch on his wrist.

When my cup is filled I take a sip, walk over to the cabinet.

"About time," Quinton exaggerates.

I roll my eyes, grabbing a chocolate donut from the container. I shove it in my mouth as I search through my bag.

"Where are they?" I mumble to myself while I look for the keys to the Porsche.

The sound of metal clanking together draws my attention. I look up to see Lucian dangling the keys from his fingers.

"Thank god," I say as he tosses the keys.

Being the absolute best, I catch the keys with one hand.

"I'll be back by five. Don't miss me too much," I announce to everyone in the kitchen.

"We won't miss you, T," Kamila says with her mouth full of cereal.

"Kamila," Leo narrows his eyes at her. She shrugs, going back to eating.

"See you later, Gardenia," Lucian places a kiss on my lips.

"See you later, Sicilian," I smile up at him.

I walk over to Ezra and grab a chocolate covered strawberry off his plate.

"Hey," he tries to stop me, but it is too late, I already put it in my mouth.

When I get in the black Porsche I'm careful not to mess anything up. Lucian never lets anyone use this car. It still smells new.

I press my left foot on the clutch, turning on the engine. I change the gears and pull out of the driveway.

I have the song 'Make Up Sex by SoMo' playing.

I go into the merging lane to the interstate but some dumbfuck thinks you come to a complete stop.

"Milk it or move it, bitch!" I scream, beeping the horn.

The put a middle finger out their window and I scoff. I take a deep breath.

I pull into the lane next to theirs, changing gears as I speed past them. I make sure to flip them off as I pass their window.

Bright blue and red flash behind me. Just my luck.

I pull to the side lane, putting the car in neutral. I slip my gun out from my jean waistband, sliding the gun under the seat. I leave my knife strapped to my inner thigh though.

The man in uniform approaches my car, I roll down my window.

"Do you know why I pulled you over, young lady?" the man asks, his badge label 'Officer Taylor'.

I nod slowly, "Yes, Officer."

"I need license and registration," he brings his glasses down, showing me his hazel eyes.

What even is registration?

"My license is in my bag," I wait for him to nod before leaning over and going through it.

"This isn't even my car," I say as I pass him my license.

I open the glove box and pull out a paper. I hand the document to the officer and he shakes his head.

"This isn't what I'm looking for," he hands it back.

"Oh," I feel my heart beat faster as I search through the glove box.

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