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I did not just ask him that, did I? God, I did.

Lucian looks down at me switching his gaze from my eyes to my lips repetitively.

"Kiss me," I repeat.

Lucian tilts my head up to his and smacks his lips onto mine. He's eager yet gentle like I'm a fragile piece of glass. I tongues explore eachothers mouths and the room fills with sounds of gasps when we catch our breaths.

Lucian rolls over ontop of me, without departing our mouths from eachother. He bites my bottom lip and a moan escapes my mouth. His hand wraps underneath my head, he urges my head forward so our kiss goes deeper.

He groans as I run my nails along his bare chest. I gasp for air when his mouth leaves mine. I touch my swollen bottom lip with my finger and watch as Lucian smirks. He leans his head into my neck and leaves a trail of kisses down my neck. I can't help but moan when his tongue reaches my collar bone. His hand cups my breast and he gently squeezes and then nibbles on my earlobe. He glides his thumb over my nipple and I gasp for air.

"Lucian," I say breathlessly. His hands tangle in my hair as he leans my neck up so I can look straight in the eyes. He places kisses up my jaw, all the way up to my ear. I arch my back and press my chest against his, for more contact. He's like a drug, I can't get enough.

"Fuck," his husk voice says. His mouth connects with mine again, this time more rough than last. His tongue collides with mine and I run my nails along his shoulders.

Lucian leans up and I lie back breathless, catching as much air as I can. He moves his head to my thighs and spreads them. He plants kisses on my stomach, down my hips, and to my inner thigh, my eyes flutter. He sucks on the skin on my thigh, definitely leaving a hicky. I lean my self up, stabling myself with my elbows, watching him and he moves his mouth to my stomach.

I bite my lip when he creates a circle with his tongue on my lower stomach, he looks up and sees. He smirks and lean his head to my thigh, his hand playing with my laced underwear. He starts to pull it down until I stop him by grabbing his hand.

"I'm not ready," I say looking at him. He nods understanding.

"....Yet," I whisper as he leans back over me. He plants a kiss of my forehead and hugs me close to him.

"Good night, Gardenia," his breath hits my neck.

My eyes close and I drift off to sleep, wrapped in Lucian's arms.


I'm pacing back and forth in my closet trying to find an outfit to go out in.

"Quinton!" I yell to Quinton that's fiddling with jewelry on the table.

"What, donnina?" Quinton says, twirling his fingers around a necklace.

"What's that mean?" I ask curious.

"Little woman," he sighs. I shake my head at him and click my tongue.

"I need help," I roll my head back.

"With?" he questions.

"Picking out an outfit," I sigh, running my fingers along the hangers.

"What's the occasion?" he says with amusement.

"I don't know? Out?" I say.

Quinton starts searching through the closet. His eyes light up when he grabs something.

"This! You are wearing this!" he pulls out a red laced see through dress.

My mouth creates an o, "What the hell-" "I did not buy that!"

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