Forever and Always.

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4 Months Later:

I watch in the mirror as Aurora braids my hair. To my surprise, I'm not that nervous, the days leading up to now I've been, but now, I can't wait.

Aurora opens a small box, opening it and showing me a hairclip with pearls, "I want you to have this. I wore it on my wedding day, I think it's time to pass it down."

I give her a light smile, nodding. She clips the pin into the top of the braid. She places her hand on the back of my chair, spinning it around to her. She applies a clear lip gloss to my lips and then mascara.

"Mio figlio è così fortunato," she smiles, closing the lip gloss. (My son is so lucky)

"That he is," I grin and she nods in agreement.

"Ready to get in the dress?" she asks, taking my hand to help me up.

"Yeah," I get up, walking over to the dress hanging up.

Untying my robe, Aurora unzips the dress. She lifts the fabric over my my head, pulling it down gently.

She grins when she looks me over

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She grins when she looks me over.

"Bellisima!" she kisses my cheek.

I look at myself in the mirror, causing my cheeks to go pink. I look good, like really good.

I knock on the door makes us turn our heads.

"Come in," I yell.

Alessandro pokes his head through the door, "You have five minutes."

"You look beautiful by the way," he says before shutting the door.

"Ellio better not lose the rings," I tell Aurora.

"Knock on wood, Amore" she shakes her head.

She picks up the long veil, clipping it onto my braid.

She looks down to her black watch, "Times up, ready?"

I suck in a deep breathm flattening out my dress, "Yep."

She takes my hand, opening the door. Alessandro greets me, flipping the white veil to cover my face.

He holds his arm out for me and I wrap my arm around his. Aurora takes a quick picture and hurries down the aisle to take her seat.

Music starts playing, Kamila start her way down the aisle, throwing red pedals on the white aisle way.

I nod at Alessandro and we start walking down the aisle.

Walking down the white clothe on the floor, I smile. I keep my eyes straight ahead, right at Lucian. He wears a black suit with a white dress shirt underneath, along with a white rose in his pocket.

Passing the hundred of people who stand, Alessandro kisses my hand.

'Thank you,' I mouth to him before he turns to stand next to his wife.

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