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I lay in Lucian's bed in a t-shirt and underwear. He arm is drapped over my body, holding me close to his bare chest.

"You were an idiot," I whisper.

"I know," he kisses my neck.

"Atleast you're selfaware," I smile.

He hums and leaves a trail of kisses down my jaw.

I lean up, taking his hand off my body, "I'll tell you something about me you don't know, and then you tell me something about you I don't know."

"Alright, Gardenia," he sits up and adjusts huimself to face me.

"Okay..." I narrow my eyes thinking.


"My dad killed my mom when I was 4," I shrug my shoulders.

"Now your turn," I tilt my head to the side.

His eyesbrows furrow confused and he tilts his head too.

"Are you serious?" he asks.

"Yeah, your aunt told me, now your turn," I poke his chest.

"Hmmm.." he runs his hand through his hair, "I got my brother killed."

What now? He murder his own brother? Maybe he is actually 'The Devil'.

"Umm, what?" I raise both my brows and my eyes go wide.

"Well like I didn't mean to, I got in some shit with the Vipers and I had my brother, Ellio, go to there base with some of my men and he never came back. It's all my fault for why he had to go and we didn't even get his body back for a burial," I can see the guilt flood his face.

"I'm sorry," I say, fiddling with my hands.

He shrugs and rubs his hand along my arm.

"How do you know he's dead? There was no body, right?" I question.

"They mailed us his ring that he always wore," the color drains from his face.

"So? Did anyone see him get killed? I could take this chain off you and mail it with you being unharmed," I twist my finger in his silver chain.

"I guess there's a small possibility he's alive," he runs his hand through his hair. He does that a lot.

"I'll get some of my men too look into it," he says.

I nod and get up out of bed, "Where are you going?" he grabs my hand.

"Changing?" I tilt my head to the side and walk out.


I'm going to murder Quinton.

I'm not kidding.

We watched Annabelle last night and he said he had a doll that looked just like it, and that douche put it in my closet.

I literally had a heart attack when I walked into my closet, I'm almost dropped Milo in my arms.

I slam my door shut, I'm in a bra and underwear, I'm not going anywhere near that doll. Quinton is going to get it out and then I'll change,

I run down the stairs screaming Quinton's name.

I stomp into the kitchen, "Quinton I'm going to murder you!"

He stands behind the kitchen table wide eyed while his mouth is full with a donut.

I walk over to the knives and grab the largest one, "I will slit your throat! Get that doll out of my closet, now!"

He puts his hands up in surrender and then looks over to the doorway, where a very intimidating couple stands.

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