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I follow Lucian down long hallways. There are well detailed landscape painting along the walls, most of them of a dark forest, but one section has the sun glowing through it. The ceiling rims with designs of gold, absolutely breath taking.

Lucian turn towards a door and opens it. I follow behind him as he walks in, my heels clicking against the tile.

I stand just staring at him, waiting for him to do something, my hands behind my back.

I reach my hand up to my cheek and feel the blood. I look down at my hand, drench in blood.

"Does it look bad?" I ask Lucian.

"Not too bad," he says turning around, digging in a cabinet.

He takes his suit coat off and places it on the counter. His white dress shirt hugs his muscular back as he bend down.

He sets down a white box and starts placing bandages and string along side of his coat.

"Are you just going to stand there?" he asks annoyed.

"Oh, uh. What do you want me to do?" I ask, taking a step forward.

He smirks slightly, his emerald eyes grow darker. Oh my god he is going to kill me isn't he.

In a swift motion he wraps his arm around my waist, I can't help but let out a gasp. He lifts me up and sets me next to his coat on the counter.

He takes a needle and puts string through it. My palm starts to sweat, I have a low pain tolerance. He takes a white clothe and places it on my cheek. I stare up at his eyes. He pulls the clothe away, it's covered in blood. I move my hand up to see if it is still bleeding, he swats my hand away.

"Don't touch it," he says firmly.

"S-sorry," my nerves get the best of me.

He picks up the needle and starts to guide it towards my cheek. Before he touches my cheek with the needle I leaning my head backwards away from the needle.

"Tatum," my name rolls of his tongue, I can feel my cheeks flush pink.

"You need to sit still so I can do this." he places a hand in the back of my head, leaning it forward.

My body warms from is touch, spreading as tingles throughout my body.

He starts suturing my cheek, I squeeze my eyes shut from the pain.

I whimper a little as the string pulls, it feels like a hard pinch against my skin.

"Look at me," he nods slightly, keeping his hand behind my head.

I open my eyes and look into his eyes. I look at him focusing just on him, the pain starts going away.

He finishes stitching up my cheeks and gently puts a bandage over the cut. He moves his hand from my head and wipes the tears from under my eyes that I didn't even realise I had.


"Tatum?" he asks

"You're like a little nurse," I laugh softly, trying to lighten the mood.

He raises a brow.

"Well not little, definitely not little," I correct, my cheeks get warm again.

He chuckles under his breath.

His chuckle sends waves throughout my body. My cheeks turn pink, and I clentch my hands together tight, feeling my nails dig into my hand.

He stares into my eyes and I bite back a smile.

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