Missed you.

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"Are you lost baby gorl," I say with an accent. I wrap my arms around Lucian's waist as he shaves his stubble.

"I'm traumatized from that movie," Lucian says as he rinses his razor under water.

"Good," I get on my tippy toes and kiss his cheeks.

I go to walk out of the bathroom but he grabs my wrist and yanks me until I'm pressed against his chest. 

He leans his head down to mine and presses his lips on mine. I feel him smirk against my lips and I pull away. 

"I love you, snuggluffagus," I ruffle his hair with a smirk plastered on my face.

"I love you too," he puts his larger hand on my head and ruffles my hair.

His dimples very apparent due to his smiling. I might pass out.

I flutter my eyes closed and fall onto the soft rug infront of the sink. I keep my eyes closed with my hand rested by my head.

"Tatum? Omg, are you okay?" I see a darkness hover over me. 

Lucian's hand goes under my head and rests it on his thigh.

"Fuck," he says to himself.

I open my eyes and kiss his chin. He scrunches his brows together, looking down at me.

"Sorry, you are just too pretty," I wink before getting on my feet and leaving the room.

Hopefully I didn't give him a heart attack.

I bend down to grab my jeans but my stomach has a funny feeling to it. Please, God, don't do this to me.

I knock on the bathroom door and Lucian opens it, his toothbrush in his mouth.

"What?" he asks, still brushing his teeth.

"Out. Now," I order him and he spits out his toothpaste and washes his mouth before leaving me alone in the bathroom.

I take a seat on the toilet and immediatly feel like crying. Why? Why me?

Blood stains my pink panties. I just got them before we came to France. Sad.

I stand up and search the cabinent under the sink for any feminine products.

"Lucian!" I yell when there aren't any.

"Yes, bellisima?" he cracks the door, but doesn't look in.

"Can you please grab me my tampons in my white bag? It's next to the TV stand. Oh and a pair of underwear," I ask.

"Yeah," he shuts the door and I hear things moving in the room.

The door opens and a blue box and plain black underwear enters my view.

"Thanks," I say, grabbing the items from his hand.

I do my stuff and wash my hands. I was going to wear these really cute light blue jeans but now it's too risky. I don't feel like bleeding infront of a whole airport today, maybe tomorrow tho!

I step out of the bathroom and my heart skips a beat. My man is wearing black cargo pants and a black turtle neck. A silver necklace with a circular charm hangs from his neck. His emerald eyes meet mine and he smirks.

"You're drooling," his husky morning voice rings in my ears.

I wipe my mouth and he lets out a laugh.

Sorry you're just so perfect.

I grab black sweatpants and a black tank top. I put them on and then take my flannel and shrug it over my shoulders.

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