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7 years later:

I braid my daughters black hair, she giggles at the funny faces her older brother makes in the mirror.

"Donatella, can you hand me that?" I point towards the red ribbon.

"Yes, Mamma," her small hands pick up the ribbon, handing it to me.

I tie the end of the braid, kissing the top of her head.

She hops off her chair, running away in her red dress. 

"Vincenzo, what's on your shirt?" I look down at the purple stain on his white tee.

"Popsicle," he grins.

Shaking my head at him, he runs off, probably to bother his four year old sister.

They pester eachother nonstop. Yesterday Donatella tried to put gum in Vince's hair because he stole her french fry.

I wipe my hands down my black fitted dress, getting up, I leave the room. 

My black heels click with each step I take down the stairs. Hearing the sounds of highpitch laughter, I head that way.

Entering the room I see Donatella being thrown up in the air by Lucian. My heart squeezes at the sight. Lucian's eyes look over to me, my body warming. His big smile reaches his lips when Donatella wraps her arms around his neck, hugging him.

Her matching green eyes meet mine and she hops down from her fathers grasp. She stands at my legs, reaching up to be held. Laughing softly I lift her up onto my hip.

Lucian checks watch, "Ezra should be here soon."

And with that said Ezra walks in through the door. As he promised years ago, he visits multiple times a week. He's gotten a lot better since when I met him; he is six years sober from drugs and alcohol, he has also been dating a girl for a few months.

Vince runs over to his zio, Ezra lifts him up, grinning at the six year old.

"New one?" Vince points to a tattoo on his wrist.

"Yeah, do you like it?" he tilts his head.

"Mhmmm," my son hum.

Two arms snake around my waist, lips meeting my shoulder and then Donatella's cheek.

"Everything is in the car, yeah?" I twist around to face Lucian.

"Sì," he says.

Nodding I adjust Donatella on my hip and we all go to the car.

We are going to meet up with Leo and Kamila at the park near by.

I set Donatella in her seat, "You got it?"

She gives me two thumbs up and buckles her seat herself. Ezra takes his seat between the two kids, me passanger, and Lucian driving.

I hand Ezra the phone so he has control of music.

"Vittoria, recommendations?" he calls my daughter by her middle name.

She taps her chin thinking, "Tek It!"

He nods, clicking the song. I listen as she sings along to the music. 

Looking over to Lucian, his eyes on me as we drive straight.

"Eyes on the road, loverboy, kids are in the car," I move my finger side to side infront of him.

He smirks, looking ahead. As he should.

I look back and see Donatella with a silver blade in her hand, my mouth open. I snatch it from her, glaring at Ezra, knowing he gave it to her.

"Seriously? She is going to poke an eye out, dumbass," I narrow my eyes at him.

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