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I twirl my hair around the wand of the curling iron. That was the last curl to finish my hair for the ball tonight. I brush down the gown making sure it's perfect. After I touch up my mascara I apply some lip gloss, I don't have time to do a full face of makeup so this will have to do.

Last night I shared the bed with Lucian again, he didn't ask anything when I asked him if I could sleep in there, he just nodded and made space for me.

I look at my reflection in the mirror and can't help but smile, tonight I feel confident as ever and am relieved I won't have to deal with my father or Kenji. Tonight I get to be more free and not act like someone I'm not to please my father.

I stand at the top of the staircase and look down to see I've caught Lucian's attention. His mouth shifts up into a smile and his eyes glimmer. I feel my body heat up, his presence effects me so much.

I quickly walk down the stairs and take Lucian's hand. He looks me up and down and his eyes dilate. He takes his left hand and moves some of my curls behind my shoulder.

"Bellissima," he smiles at me.

I raise a brow, "What does that mean, Lucian?"

He smirks at my confusion, "Beautiful, very beautiful."

My insides knot up, he just called me beautiful. A smile reached my lips.

"Baby Doll!" I hear a yell from the hall. Quinton comes walking from the dimmed hall with a bright smile on his face. He's all dressed up in an all black suit like Lucian.

"You're coming aswell?" I ask him

"Of course," Quinton sounds slightly offended of my assumption.

"Do you have a date?" I ask him, I don't think he has said anything about a lady to me.

He laughs, "Yes actually."

"Poor girl," Lucian buts in.

"Hey! She is very lucky!" Quinton defends himself. I can't help but laugh at him.

"What are you laughing at, Tatum? Do you think she's not lucky to be my date?" Quinton asks.

"She's so so lucky," I say sarcasticly.

"I'm going to my car," Quinton rolls his eyes at heads out the door, "See you later, Cupcake!"

I shake my head and look up to Lucian. Lucian looks down at me with a slight smile.

"What?" I ask, is there something on my face or something?

Lucian reaches into his dress and pulls out a box.

"What is that?" I ask.

He doesn't answer he just takes the lid off the box and grabs a corsage that has a gardenia in the center.

"For you," he takes my wrist and slides on the corsage.

I cover my my in aw, "It's gorgeous."

He looks up at me from the flower and smirks, "We should get going."

I nod and we head to the car.


We arrive at a mansion that pretty much is a castle. My eyes widen as I step out the car. Lucian takes my hand and we head to the grand doors. A bald man in a suit nods at Lucian and then he opens the doors. Sounds of music flood my ears, along with sounds of chatter. I look up at Lucian nervously, he squeezes my hand reasuringly.

He leans his head down to my ear and whispers, "Relax, Gardenia." Shivers send down my spine and I nod up at him.

Lucian and I start walking down the staircase to the mainfloor, only for me to notice everyone staring at us.

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