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Brai's POV
It had been 10 minutes since Niall left to bring us breakfasf and the lads weren't awake yet and what was I doing? I was barfing. I flushed the contents which made their way out of me into the toilet and got up popping a mint in my mouth after rinsing it. There by I swore to my self to never even touch an alcoholic beverage. Wait who am I kidding? My boyfriend is irish, i don't think I'd pretty much stay away from such beverages.
I laid down on the couch after taking a panadol to get rid of the high temperature, the throat was dry and my stomach was killing me. Right then the air was filled with aroma or vanilla and butter as Niall entered with huge paper bags filled with lip smacking treats. "Baby" he cooed as he came over to me afyer settling the breakfast on the counter. "How are you feeling?" He asked kissing my forehead. I moaned in response and he nodded. He picked me uo bridal style walked to the kitchen and sat me on the counter. He took out plates and forks and served the pancakes, waffles, muffins, sandwiches along with vanilla bean latte. He took the plates back to the sofa placing them on the center table before coming back to me carrying me bridal style and sitting on the sofa with my head nuzzled in his neck. He literally fed me like a baby and no I'm not complaining. "Yello ! Love birds" Liam barged in without a shirt. "None for me?" He pouted and niall brought his plate closer to him staring at liam making me chuckle and making liam raise his hands up in surrender. "Chill lili there's more on the counter go get it" i said to which he responded with smile. He joined us in the living area. " so what's up with today's sudden breakfast plans and why do you seem so down brai? You're usually perky" liam stated and i just nuzzled more into niall, nudging him to explain the whole situation. "Brai's got high temperature. She isn't feeling well" niall explained.
"Well brai I suggest you go see a doctor, the lads and I would be busy with some band stuff so you can go along with Eleanor, she's still in Hawaii". Liam suggested. "No li, I'll survive it's a mild fever. It'll fade off." I replied with a smile on my face. "Alright hun".
"Liam, when do we leave yea?" Niall asked him
"We've 2 hours"
"The boys awake yet?"
"Goodlord! I'll go wake them up liam you finish your breakfast"

"Brailey! Are you okay?! Where are you?! Oh my god brailey ! What happened?" Niall barged into the washroom as emptied the contents of my stomach into the toilet. Niall came up pulling my hair behind and rubbing my back. I stood up flushing the toilet and rinsed mouth as niall gave me a mint. "Brailey you need to go see the doctor"
"No niall I'm fine."
"No brailey you're burning! I'm calling El and you're going."

"Awh darlin' it wilk be alright yea? He'll give meds to make you feel better okay? I love you."
"I love you too niall"
He dialed el's number and told her ti come over and take me to the doctors.
"Alright love, see you in a bit okay? Call me if you need anything." He said before leaning down and pecking my lips and my cheeks. I heard the door shut so i got up and changed into something presentable and pulled my hair into a messy bun before plopping on the couch again until el came.
"Ms. Brai, you don't live in Hawaii am I right?" Doctor Brian asked.
"Yea, I'm here on a vacation"
"I see, now what happened? "
"I drank alcohol last night and since morning I've been puking and have a high fever along with regular cramps."
"Are you on your periods?"
"No I'm supposed to get them this week"
"Hm, alright let me check a few things" he placed a thermometer in my mouth and along with it he checked my heart beat through his stethoscope. "You seem perfectly fine though except that you have extremely high fever. Are you indulged in any sexual activities?"
"No." I blushed.
"Hm, that's odd. Lets get you tested and we'll know okay?"
I nodded as the doctor got up and searched for the tester in his cabinets. Niall and I haven't had sex yet, I'm still s virgin so there's no chance of me being pregnant.
"Here you go. The nurse will guide you to the bathroom" i nodded and followed the nurse to the bathroom. The took the stick and peed on it and waited for the result. It was positive.
"Congratulations Brailey, you're having a baby. May I know who the dad is?" My heart stopped pumping it's blood and my voice box emitted a shrill scream which made Eleanor barge into the room. "What's wrong?"
"She's pregnant".

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