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Brais POV

Its been 3 days since Niall returned to his old behaviour and I limited talking or seeing him alot. We were flying to France today and we'll continue touring Europe for 2 weeks more before we go back to a week long break. My phone started blaring with my Minion ringtone yep the Banana song hehe.

brai "Heyloo"

simon "Hi brailey its simon"

brai "oh hello simon everything alright?"

simon "alright? i gave you and Niall a task start going all coupley in public we have to get media attention as soon as possible Brailey ! I want the pictures in the magazinr by tomorrow if i dont get that Niall is out of the band !"

with that he cut the phone. I quickly rushed over to nialls room and knocked aggressively he opened the and looked at me with disgust I quickly explained everything to him and he just muttered a few things which i couldnt get at all and he told me to be ready in 2 minutes. I ran over to my room and changed into high waisted denim shorts and a crop top along with my toms. I came outside in the living room to find zayn and liam on the couch. "Hi lads!"


"where are you goin"

"oi we forgot to tell you guys"

"tell us what?"

"well the other day um simon called niall and I to his office and well he told us to fake date for 2 months in ordef to recieve media attention and since we need to get pictures in them mags we need to hang out in public so yea. oh and tell louis please."

they simply nodded and at the same time niall exited his bed room. "ready?" i asked him "yea".

We got out the house and and into the car Niall started driving after a while he spoke.

"where should we go?"

"somewhere we know paps would be um what about battersea park ive heard some band is shooting a music video there im pretty sure there would be paps there"

"yea lets go" and he drove to the park.

We reached the parks in like 25 minutes and i was right the wanted were shooting a vt there. We started strolling in the park none of us speaking a word. Suddenly we saw a slight movement in the side track bulletin boards on the side walk and niall immidietly spotted a pap hiding there but he pretended like he wasnt there. He interwined our hands and i swear i was melting like ice on fire. "Lets get this over with" Niall muttered and he spinned me around his one hand slid acriss my waist and the second one cupped my face and his lips met mine we stood there kissing and the paps soon surrounded us taking clicks from all directions and I smiled in my kiss not because we had accomplished our mission but because ive wanted this kiss my whole life. even though it meant nothinh to him but to me it was everything. everything ive ever wanted.

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