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Okay so um just assume that she got the job from vogue el got it too. I forgot to add the part in the story

Brai's POV

*trung* *trung* my sleep was interrupted by the sound of an alarm clock. Alarm clock? Wtf? I dont have an alarm clock I sat up on my bed my head turned towards the direction of the sound and there laid an alarm clock in front if the door with an envelope beside it. I made my way to the alarm clock and switched it off it was 7:00 am wtf. Who ever is joking with is soon to be found dead. I opened the envelope and took out the piece of paper.
Dearest brailey,
Sorry I had to wake you up this early dont kill me but I justed wanted to inform you that I will pick you up by 9:00 so be ready. I hope you like today.
Ps. Dress code: casual with toms

Awhh ♡ niall is such a cutie I thought as a smile appeaeed on my face but it soon dropped as the I remembered the facr that I had a job here now which would make it difficult for me to leave with the boys. I opened my suitcase and took out my light blue wash skinnys and a  white cropped tank top with black cross stripes and I matched it with my black toms. ( http://www.polyvore.com/m/set?.embedder=11046419&.svc=whatsapp&id=137886645 ) I quickly took a nice shower and put in my clothea applying a bit of mascara and blush and a touch of nude lipcolour I curled my hair and made a crown twist. I was done at exactly 8:45 so I sat on my bed and decided to check up on my twitter which I hadnt in the past few days. When I punched in my password and it logged in my phine blasted with notifs and dms I read a few and almost all of them said Brailey broke nialls heart
Brailey and niall= puke
Stay away from niall brailey
Brailey first usea her brother now niall. Poor boy
Niall is such a softie and sweety and here we have our diva.

The hate never botheted me but what actually bothered me was that people started making things up like
Brailey and niall are fake
Setups by modest

Sure we were at first but now its real well im not officially his gf but I have. chances.

Popstar louis tomlinson's sister brailey tomlinson was asked out by louis' band mate Niall horan. The irish lad asked her out last night at their concert in newyork. But brailey's reaction was totally not expected. The lucky lady was seen crying and she ran out of the arena soon after the concert finished Niall horan left the arena too not waiting for the meet and greet to finish. Some fans say " Ugh she is such a drama queen we couldnt meet niall because of  that attention seeker" that was rude but we have positives too "Oh my god that was so cute ! I realky hope niall and brailey become a thing"

So what will happen will directioners loose another single heart or the lad would continue to be single !

For further details chdck out popcrush :)


*knock* *knock*

I quickly shut of my phone slipping it into my jeans pocket as I walked up to door opening it to find niall standing there in a white tshirt with blue jeans and his signature high tops his hair styled to perfection and raybans hanging on his tshirt neck. "Hi" I said almost dreamily "hello" he said as he pulled me in for a hug.

"You look gorgeous, Ready to go?" "Yep"

I replied as we walked down the hotel lobby and down the elevator. "So you telling me where we're going?"

"Part 1 breakfast"

"What do you mean part 1?"

"Its a whole day date" he said as we got in the car.

He started the car he rented most probably and started driving on the way we sang on top of our lungs to every single song that came up. Afted 3 songs and half later he parked the car in fro t of IHOP and a squeel escaped my lips. "OMGEED NIALL I LOVE THIS PLACEEE"

"glad to know that wait till you go inside"

He said as he jogged over to my side and opened the door for me. "After you m'lady" he said in a posh accent and well miserabley failing at doing so. I got off the car and he grasped my hand in his it felt amazing. Our fingers molded perfectly. We walked inside and a young waitress welcomed us. "Reservation under horan" " oh follow me" we were taken to the extreme end of the resturant and we were seated on a table which had these huge covered dishes. So many of them. The waitress uncovered the dishes I could see strawberey wafgles blueberry waffles chocolate chop pancakes nutella butter pecan cakes and so much more but when the last lid was liftes I lost it. IT WAS A CUTE LITTLE CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN. "Niall this is perfect god !" I said as I gave him a side hug. "I am happy you liked it"

"But hey this all must've costed a lot."

"Hey I am a part of the worlds richest boy band I think I can afford that" he said with a smirk. "Well watcha waitin for dig in"

We almost ate everything and the chocolate fountain was si damn delicious. With our stomachs full niall being niall ordered a hand scooped Icecream milkshake. Tempting.  Niall had already paid for it the day before so as soon as we were done niall stood up yet again taking my hand in his he thamked the waitress and gave her a huge tip and a friendly hug and then we sat in our car and niall started driving before saying "part 2".

Aaahhh Nailey is so cute ♡♡♡♡ vote and comment loves :*


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