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Brai's POV

Cole had cancelled recording session because Niall didn't show after his little breakdown. I was pretty tensed. I was confused cause I always knew Niall as the tough guy but he was a softie inside. Now isn't that cute. Shuttup!

We got in the car and drove to our hotel.

"Brai Niall won't come out and we can't leave him here alone so can you stay here while we go get our outfits from Louise?" Louis asked or ordered casue he said that and walked out the doors. I didn't dare to go in his room instead I just sat in our room and watched some telly. There was a knock on the door so I went up and opened it to find a puffy eyed Niall. "Niall what happened?"

"Where are the others?"

"They're to Louise to take some clothes."


"Hey" I grabbed his arm as he was about to go out. "Wanna tell me what happened?"

He just stared at me dead straight in the eyes and I could see tears forming in his eyes. He just shook his head "Please, just leave me alone" with that tears covered his cheeks and he left me once again broken. I don't know whats up with him even though he acts like a complete jerk to me but I never failed to fall in love with him daily a little more.

sorry for the filler. story's gonna get interesting.


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