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Brai's POV
Eleanor barged inside, "what's wrong?!"
The doctor said "she's pregnant" and that's when my whole life flashed behind my eyes, everything came crashing down over me and I remembered the night niall and I got drunk and we did 'it'. I put Niall's career on stake with this mistake. "Brailey!" Eleanor screamed trying to get my attention. I just looked at her. She nodded and thanked the doctor leading me outside to the car. We drove quitely for a while then before I spoke up, "El, i can't do this".
El pulled over to a local coffee shop's parking lot. I sighed and got out. She made me sit in a far off booth and went to order our drinks.
"You can do this brailey. You'll make a great mom." Eleanor said when she came back with our coffees and sat in front of me.
"But what about Niall Eleanor? He's no way ready for a child just yet."
"Is it his child?"
"Ofcourse it is el!"
"But Niall said he never had sex with you"
"That's the thing. I don't think he remembers the night we got wasted at the club. El, louis will kill me."
"I know louis won't kill you but I can't say anything about niall. He's young and has a career to look after"
"Can i go for abortion?"
"Brai,that's your choice"
"No i can't go in for abortion, El but I think I have in store a plan, though it will cost me the love of my life but you have to promise to backup everything".
"Brailey just don't do anything stupid."


"Babe, how are you feeling now?" Niall asked kissing my lips.
"Did you go to the doctors?"
"Yes I did, and they said ut was just the alcohol" i felt the guilt rising up in my stomach.
"Oh that's good. Wanna drink something?"
"Soda please"
"I thought you'd say beer but soda's also fine" he chuckled standing up and making his way to the kitchen downstairs. I was in our bedroom. It was really difficult coping up with everything I felt guilty for no fucking reason and I just felt like killing the baby growing inside of me.
Niall came back and lifted me up setting me underneath him as his lips met mine, we kissed and kissed until we were out of oxygen his tongue entered my mouth as his hands traveled up and down the bare the skin under my shirt. He left kissea on my neck sucking a bit leaving a love bite he unclapsed my bra and that's ehen i remembered the docs appointment. "Niall. Stop" i moaned and he confusedly rolled off of me, "sorry babe, we'll do it when you're ready"
"No Niall, it's not that."
"Then whats wrong love?" He asked caressing my cheek with his palm.
"Niall, I'm pregnant" I blurted out and the colors on Niall's skin washed off and his palm dropped from my face as he stared deeply into my eyes. "You're kidding right?" He whispered. "No, el took me to the doc and he said i was pregnant."
"Oh baby" he pulled me in a hug and that surprised me. "Brailey, it's alright you'll be a great mom and I'll be a great da- wait."
He pulled away from the hug.
"We haven't had sex yet. How can you be pregnant?"
I stared at him for a while because this might be the last time i was speaking to him or being on his bed this close to him. I contemplated on whether I should tell him the truth or go on with the lie to save his career and to let him live his dream. I closed my eyes shut "it's not your baby niall" i said and opened my eyes to see a flushed Niall. He had a look of pure terror in his eyes and tears started to build up in his eye lids. "You cheated on me." He whispered stating something I just made up.
I just sobbed sitting in front of him. "You fucking cheated on me right when i was about to go out to look for a ring to propose you. You played with me."
"No" i whispered in a tiny voice.
He just sat there staring at me intently with pure anger and I sobbed because i broke his heart to save what he loves doing.
"Get out." He whispered and I snapped my head up.
"GET OUT OF MY FUCKING LOFE WITH THAT FUCKING BABY. YOU SLUT. I HOPE THIS BABY BRINGS THE PAIN I SUFDERING FROM RIGHT NOW AT THE MOMENT. YOU ARE A FUCKING SLUT." he screamed as I got up and made my to the door. I looked behind me to see Niall sobbing uncontrollably throwing things in random directions. It killed me inside to see this but this had to be done. He can get over me but a single baby at such a young age would kill his dreams.

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