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Brais POV

"All passangers fasten your seat belt we are landing welcome to newyork city thankyou for travelling with us" The airhostess spoke in the microphone. I didn't even sleep for a secind all I did was sob cause I was actually missing the boys this is the very first time I've been alone all by myself. I miss Louis I miss Liam I miss Harry I miss Zayn and I also miss Niall. Even though he wasn't such a great friend to me but I still miss his presence I miss seeing his blue eyes I love him too much to let go. Soon the plane landed and we were eacorted to the airport terminals after luggage claim I went to the arrivals waiting area and headed out the door. This is it. A new start. My new life. I will never see the boys again.

Louis' POV

Something seemed weird I wasn't awoken by Brais annoying voice and neither did I hear anyone of the lads shouting downstairs. It all felt to weird. I hoped out of bed and got freshed and walked into the living room to see the boys there sitting on the couches and Niall had his head in his hands and Liams eyes looked bloodshot and Louis and zayn had some weird expressions on their faces. "everything alright lads?"

"No. everythings fucked up" Liam replied.

Third Persons POV

"Tell me what happened Liam and Niall why are you like this?" Louis asked getting all panicky. Niall lifted his head his face was wet fron all the tears that were falling from his eyes. "Where is Brai and why are you crying?" Louis asked again.

"Louis Brai left here" Zayn said holding the note out which brai had written for Louis.

Louis read the note and suddenly he fell on the ground. The whole world had just stopped moving.

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