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um guys note that thet are on a break for 2 weeks i think i forgot to mention that.

Nialls POV

It breaks me everything breaks me. Tears me apart. But I've learnt to stay strong. Even though she's completely irresistable. Sorry.

*ring ring* my thoughts were interrupted by my phone. Simon was calling i answered it.

"Hello?" my voice sounded dry

"Hello Niall. How are you?"

"I'm good uncle Si hiw are you?"

"I'm good thankyou. Hey I want you to come over to the office at 2 with Brai"

what? Me and Brai at the office no eff way!

"Can't I come with Lou or anyone. I don't think Brai would reallg appreciate coming with me." I asked hoping he would give in but this Simon Cowell we're talkin bout he never gives in.

"No Niall I want to see only you and Brai. No arguements. Bye."


I had no choice and it was already 1 and we had an hour to go there so I walked in the living room to find no body I guess they were still sleeping. I walked oved to Brais room and knocked. She opened her room and I swear she got scared when she saw me cause she started fidgeting with her fingers and was stuttering. I couldn't see her like this so I placed a hamd on her shoulder and she flinched you are a monster in her eyes

I shook off my thoughts. " Um don't worry I just came in here to tell you that Simon wants to see us two in his office at 2 be ready you've got fifteen minutes."

I said She just looked at me like I was going to kill her or something.

"Don't worry I am not lying you can call Simon for confirmation" I cleared with a chuckle. She nodded and walked inside. I felt this pain shoot through my heart. That the only girl I have ever loved will never take me back only for what deeds I've done to her. I left her to change and went to my room to get ready.

Brais POV

Strange. Niall has changed a bit. I mean he came to me and talked to me like a friend and he didn't hit me either. I think what Liam said was true maybe he was going through some phase but the only question in my mind was that why would Simon call us two only. Was there a problem? I shook off my thoughts and quickly changed into a pair of jeans and cute hoodie witb some converse.

Nialls POV

I was waiting in the living room thats when Louis came out. "Hey why so dressed up? its a lazy day." He asked

"Simon called Brai and I to his office"

"Are you sure its not a date?"

"No Louis its not a date. Drop the fucking subject !"

Louis put his hands up in surrender. "It better not be" he muttered before walking off. As if on que Brai walked out looking so beautiful. SNAP OUT OF IT NIALL!

"Ready?" I asked her and once again she just nodded. I took the car keys and headed out with her. She sat in the passengers seat while I was driving. The car ride was awkward when I looked at her she kept fidgeting with her fingers or would play with the loose strings of her hoodie. I had got the balls so I spoke. "Look Brai I'm extremely very sorry for what I did and said I never meant a word I said. I know therw isn't any chance of you forgiving me but still I'm sorry." I looked at her and her eyea were glossy and she was looking dead straight in my eyes. " Niall you treated me like gum on your shoe when all I did was confess my love for you. I think thats just not fair." she replied.

"I know that I hurt you both physically and emotionally and that I dont have any chance of forgiveness but i still have some hope. Forgive me please?"

I said.

"Fine but just to tell you never treat anyone like you treated me."

"Promise. Friends?" I looked at her smiling wide she nodded back replying with a warm smile.

Step 1 done (:

~hate this story

itll get better though.


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