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Brai's POV:

"wake up Brai" zayn shook me. "We're at the hotel cmon"

I woke up and streched and suddenly Zayn grabbed my left wrist and examined it before saying "what are these marks from yea?" Marks by Niall Horan how irony -,-.

"Oh thats just from my bangles nothing to worry about"

"hmm okayy now lets go" he replied not seeming to buy my lame-ass excuse.

We walked into the living area to be greeted by a very sleepy direction and paul. "Alright now zayn and Harry" he said handing them their keycard.

"Liam and Niall" oh boy

"Louis and Brai"

We were escorted to our assigned rooms and the hotel was H.U.G.E.

"Close your mouth you'll catch flies" Harry winked at me as he walked past my still standing figure. "This is so-"

"No-one cares" i started to say but got cutoff by his words. he said it in a whisper so only i could hear it.

its gonna be alright. Liams words swarmed in my brain and I gained enough courage to flip him off with my middle finger. His face expression was priceless so, I walked away like a boss. I certainly didn't know that this little 'fuck off' would lead to regrets.

Mines and Lous room was right next to Li and Nialls. There were two sides in the room. One had a mahoghany bed with a cute dresser on side and a table attached to the window sill. The window was covered with orange royal drapes.

The other side had a white bed and the dresser was set on th opposite wall and there was a cute sofa right across the bed where the TV was. I took the mahaghony area cause of the window. "Braii I love youuuuu" Louis said as he jumped on me tackling me to the ground taking me by surprise. "Love you too Lou. Now get off me"



"Because i like sitting on you"

"Well I will shit you if you don't get off"

He put his hand over his heart showing mock hurt like any teenage girl in high school. I burst out laughing at his reaction thats when there was a knock on the door and I could faintly hear someone screaming outside but i couldn't catch their words. Louis quickly went over and unlocked the door to find a real panic-y Liam standing outside. "We're late" He said out of breath. "We have to be at the studio-in "he held up two fingers to show us the timing. "Meet us in the lobby ASAP" with that he flew off to his own room. I was pretty much dressed so i had nothing to worry about on the other hand Lou looked like he hadn't taken a shower for years. I threw my hair in a messy bun re applied my mascara and head downstairs to the lobby. Once again I was greeted by non other than Niall Horan himself. "great" I muttered to myself as I saw him walking towards me. why was he coming here?

"Flipped me off yea?" He asked with a straight face. Me being the bitch showed him the middle finger again and tried to walk past him but he held onto my arm strongly. His nails dug deeper and deeper in my skin making me yelp. "Do that again and I'll beat the shit out of you" with that he smacked me hard and I fell on the ground. He walked away laughing. "Brai! what happened" Harry said as he saw me on the ground. I held my hand out as he approached me. "Who did this?" he asked getting concerned. "I fell down tripped on my shoe lace" I lied becasue I telling him would be the worst possible thing to do."You hurt?" He asked looking for any traces of blood "No I'm good.Thankyou"

"No problem love" He said giving me a warm smile which replied to with one. Soon all the lads came and we filed in the car and set off for the studio. Thankfully I was sitting too far from that monster.

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