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Nialls POV

I booted her laptop quickly but it had a password I tried many different things she liked nutella food etc. I was fedup and I absent mindly entered my name 'NiallJamesHoran' and it opened ! Did she still love me? Tears brimmed on my eye lids she was so close yet so far. I want her here with me no I need her. I don't care of he beats me to death I will get her She WILL BE MINE..

I searched her surf history on the safari browser and thats where I saw she booked a ticket to Newyork. I was rejoyed we could find her atleast we know in what country she is. I quickly tool the laptop to the living room where the boys were watching some random show on tv absent mindly. "Oi Boys ! I found where she is" and I saw smiles spread across their face.

Things she did to them. Things she did to me. That amazing plonker. I chuckled to my self.

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