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Brai's POV

She turned around and my breath hitched in my throat. "Brai?!"  Eleanor exclaimed obviously surprised by seeing me here. "Eleanor what are you doing here" I said quite awkwardly. "I came for my studies in newyork why aren't you with Louis?" Yep it was none other than my not so brother's Girlfriend and Now they'll find out where I am. FUCK MY LIFE UGHHH "Um I moved here to start a career" i replied.

"Weren't you going to tour with them?" Eleanor asked

"No I am not going to anymore" she nodded and came to me to hug me.

"Alright girls, we will now start the competition. If both of you do your work up to our standards maybe both of you will get the job. So for the tasks. You'll get three tasks one would be where you'll have to design your own clothes. second you'll have to do the hair and makeup of a model acorrding to your clothes. Third you'll have to mix and match a few pieces of junk and turn them into something a celebrity would wear at a concert. That would be male selection. Your first task in detail you have 2 hours and a room full of all the supplies you need to design a dress. In the end a model will wear your dress and before showdown you have to complete your second task which is hair and makeup you will do it according to the models face and the dress you deaigned. It will be judged by our two managers. You'll be escorted to the room shortly good luck to both of you !" Toney explained and left. "So, how are you?" Eleanor asked "Oh I'm good what about you finished uni?"

"I'm good too and yep I graduated last month. Hey we need to go shopping and you're coming no arguements"

"Okay El that sounds like a good idea"

"Oh and then next month we can go meet the boys! I miss louis so much"

"hmm I miss tye lads too"

Louis' POV

Eleanor♡ I miss her so much and I'm so excited to meet her after 4 months ! I haven't told her that I would come. We're on the plane to newyork and according to Niall Brai is also in newyork. I really want to appoligize to her I didn't mean what I said at all. I really hope we'd be able to find her.

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