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Brai's POV

Its weird like 2 weeks ago niall despised me and now we're here kissing each other under the moonlight. He hugged me from behind as I stood thinking about everything. "What're you thinking bout princess?"



"Seems perfect,  everything seems perfect"

" actually, brailey not exactly"

"What do you mean?" I asked turning around to face him.

"Louis, you should forgive him"

"I already did I just cant wait to go and give him the biggest hug ever"

"Thats my girl" niall said kissing my forehead. He literally is the most perfect boyfriend.

"You can tie me up in chains

You can throw away the key

But there's no trapped doors, I'm not gonna leave

You're the truth I can't explain

You're the only one I see

It's not an illusion "

He said as he starred in my eyes and I leaned in and kissed him. I felt complete.

*at the airport*


"Chill, babe the plane hasnt left yet we'll find them"

In our makeout session we forgot that we were in newyork or that we had a flight home on the same night and that it was in half an hour.

We kept wandering and checked in and then went up to the plane through the terminals and when we srepped inside the plane there the boys sat with weird expressions.

I just ran and jumped on louis hugging him real tight.

"I'm sorry lou I over reacted forgive me"

"Brai it aint your fault forgive me"

"I already did"

"I love you"

"I love you too" I said and kisses his cheek.

"Ps. I am officially taken" I said looking at niall and he smiled warmingly and opened his arms so I hoped out of lous arms and hugged niall.

"NO PDA."  Louis screamed as the the other boys cheered or congratulated us.

We sat down in the seats in front were niall and me behind us zayn and liam then harry and Louis.  Niall lifted the arm rest and pulled me under his arm so my head rested on his chest.  He kissed my forehead "I love you so much and I will never hurt you"

"I know you wont by the way I love you too"

I leaned in for a kiss but I was stopped in the midway. There was a loud thud and everything went pitch black.

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