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Brai's POV

He was unconscious but I could see the pain on his face,  he went through all yhe pain to save me. I wheeled myself in further more as I sat beside his bed, the tears not stopping as I saw him. I hekd his hand in mine it was so white and cold. "Niall" I chocked out as I pressed my lips to his palms. "Wake up niall, please wake up don't leave me baby. I-I love you so much please wake up niall please" I was full on bawling he was in so much pain hugr gashes covered his body. I brought his palm to my cheek. "Niall open your eyes I wanna see them niall do something I can't see you like this babe please for me"

"Ehm, ms. Tomlinson, um the doctors need to check mr. Horan do you mind if I ask you to move out for a bit?" The nurse named Ally, said.

I nodded my head and she wheeled me outside. A doctor walked in but ally stayed behind. "Um Ally, is he alright?"

"Brailey, love I can't live to you that niall is fine but I can assure you that he'll get better in matter of time okay? How are you fe-"

The nurse was cut off as loud beeping came from inside the room and the doctors rushed here and there calling for nurses immediately. I peeked once more inside and I found my self in pure terror.

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