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Brai's POV

*creek* I heard the door open and I turned around to see which celebrities were to come here. "Brailey" He whispered as he stared right into my eyes.

Niall's POV

I pushed the door open and the lads followed me except for harry whi was takwn somewhere else. I looked up and my body was on a 1000 volt shock. "Brailey" I whispered as I couldn't believe what the scenario was at that moment. I just ran full force and I pulled her into the worlds most tightest hug ever.

Brai's POV

I was looking back at him when he suddenly just ran to me and pulled me into a bear hug my body was on total fire ! I looked behind him to see Louis Liam and Zayn. Zayn and Liam had huge grins on their faces and Louis well all I could see was anger disgust and a tiny bit of happiness on his face.

Louis' POV

I saw her and my world stopped moving I had actually crushed her heart and I couldn't see the slightest bit of happiness on her face. I felt guilty even though I never meant what I said in that way. She suddenly pushed Niall off her and I saw the tears roll down her cheeks.

Niall's POV

When I hugged her she sort of hugged back but she started struggking and she pushed me back I looked at her in confusion to see whats wrong my queation was replied with tears. Her tears.

Brailey's POV

When he hugged me ar first it felt amazing but soon all the memories came flooding in my eyes all the tines he'd hit me and call me names and it reminded me of that one hug he gave when I left London and it reminded me of the reasons why I left. I couldn't hold it back now. I couldn't show them how weak I was. Even though my tears were falling freely from my eyes I pushed Niall off me with full force and all of them just stared at my now twar stained face. "What's wrong?" Niall asked and his hand raised to my cheek and he caressed it. I slapped his hand away and I could see sadness in his eyes and not only his but Louis' too. He walked up to me and just stood in front of me "I'm sorry" He said and I just couldn't do it anymore. "Save it" I waljed past both of then and walked over to Liam and I pulled him in a hug and I'm pretty sure he was surprised by thats. He hugged me back and whispered "I missed You" I huggrd him tighter and then let go. Then the door opened again and Eleanor entered and she just ran upto Louis and kissed him on  the lips and then she started squeeling on how happy she was but we were interrupted by Toney "Um brailey and Eleanor I'd advice you both to stop wasting your time cause you've got exactly 10 minutes left." SHIT.

"Wait you both are the girls applying foe this job?" Niall asked and He was expecting a reply from me but I walked in towards the clothing racks.

"Yep" eleanor replied "Now c'mon"

The lads shrugged and followed el. El chose Louis and Nialls clothes and I did Liam and Zayn.


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