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Nialls POV

Everything was so wrong ! I let her go O could've stopped her from leaving but I thought maybe distance would help me get over her. But I was wrong I miss seeing her face and here Louis is lying lifelessly on the hospital beds doctors said he was deeply immersed in a shock trauma he hasn't woke up since 5 hours. Harry Zayn and Liam are out on the streets looking for her but I know that she isn't here she left the country its just something which my sixth sense told. If louis would know that I saw her leaving he would kill me. I hope wherever she is she is fine and healthy. I will search for her i know it may sound a bit cliche but I can't live without her.

Brais POV

I went to the reception of the hotel I was planning to stay at and asked for a room after some signing of papers and information she gave me a key card. My room was on the 7th floor a service man carried my luggage for me as we went up to my room. The room was a medium size it had a medium sized mahagony bed a small dresser and a tiny counter with a window right next to it. There was small flat screen in front of my bed. This hotel room costed me 120 dollars for 3 nights it was reasonable I guess. I had a total of 1800 bucks so I had plenty left but I had to get my self a job ASAP.

I quickly wheeled my suitcas in and set them on the floor under the counter. I went in the bathroom took a warm relaxing shower and changed in to my my panda Tee and pyjama shorts and tucked my self in the bed. My life was boring already I had no one to say goodnight to and no one was there to hug me or make me a hotchocolate every night like liam did. I had no brother to look up to and I had no one to love. I left everything behind I miss everything. I miss Niall the most.

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