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Brais POV

I can't get that beautiful feeling out of my head the way his lips interlocked with mine and the way my body went numb by his one touch and the taste of his soft warm lips. I would kill to feel his lips on mine again.

"what the fuck is this?!" louis barged in the room with a magazine in his hands. This is going to be interesting. "what are you talking about?"

"Oh well nothing but a picture of you snogging my band mate" he said with a hint of sarcasm.

"Wait did Liam and Zayn not tell you bout this?"


"Simon set us up as a fake couple for media attention"

"What the fuck you didnt even bother to tell me this let alone ask for my opinion?!"

"Louis what the hell is wrong with you ! I am fucking 19 I am not a kid anymore stop treating me like one ! This is my life and I will choose what I want you cant fucking stop me !"

"Yes I can I am elder than you and I fucking give you shelter so I have a right to choose whats right and wrong for you!"

"Okay so this is what this all is about yea? You pay my bills okay its about the money okay fine don't then I dont need your money I can and will earn money my self. I thought i was more important to you than your fucking billion dollars. Thanks for clearing that up for me."

"No Brai I didnt mean it like that"

"Save it Louis. No needs for stupid explainations"

Tears started to roll down my cheeks. I thought I was something to him but I certainly am not.

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