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Brai's POV:

I never thought I'd see this beautiful side of Niall he was nice to me and it felt good to be with him for the very first time and lets not forget it kinda made me fall for him more. This time it increased at a double or maybe triple speed oh boy !

I'm still very tensed to go to Modest ! though cause I have no idead whats up for us both. It makes me feel sick ughh! My thoughts were interuppted when Niall told me we were there. I climbed of the car and followed Niall into the building. I had been here before but I was only allowed to stay in the waiting area. We walked and walkes until we reached simons office cabin. A lady sitting in front of his cabin greeted Niall and I. "Good Morning Mr. Horan and Miss Tomlinson. How may I help you?"

"Good morning Evelyn um Simon called us both here"

"Wait in the waiting area I'll ring him up"

We walked over to the waiting area and sat on the luxurious sofas. Niall was watching some thing on TV and my phone vibrated indicating i got a text. I checked my phone to find a text from Louis.

Lou-'Where are you and Niall'

Brai-'At Simons office. why?'

Lou-'Just checking'


He was definitely acting wierd.

"Mr. Horan and Ms.Tomlinson, Mr. Cowell is ready" Evelyn called

Niall stood up and walked ahead of me as I followed him into the cabin. His cabin was HUGE. It had a round desk right in the middle with two chairs in front and large chair behind it. There was wall fit plasma on the screen which was connected to the laptop on simons desk and there were oak chairs in the corner along eith a coffee table.

"Hello Niall, Brailey" He greeted shaking our hands.

"Hi" Both niall and I replied.

"Alright so without wasting any time, Since you know that there is no upcoming album coming up from 1D up until January and its like 7 months away and we dont have any thing interesting going on thats why ratings are fallimg so just for a public stunt I'd like you two to fake date for 2 months and then break up and this i swear will get our ratings back on top" Simon said and my jaw just dropped to the ground floor of this motherfucking skyscraper building.

Nialls POV:

"What?!?!" I yelled and looked over at Brai she was fuming and her wrists were balled up in a fist and I swead she looked like a fucking goddess. Fuck Niall. Snap out of it !

"Simon we can't" I said

"Sorry Niall it is your job dont do it and you are fired."

I was so pissed of i couldve flipped him off but wouldve ended up jobless. I looked over at brai again and she was still in the same position glaring at simon.

"Now excuse me kids my flight leaves in an hour" With that he fucking left. That piece of motherfucking shit running the motherfucking modest ruining up our already fucked up life.


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