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Niall's POV

The lads sang the last song and said their goodbyes I just quickly changed into my clothes and left the arena not bothering to wait for the meet and greet. I took a cab and I got to the hotel I was surrounded with paps and screaming fans but somehow the hotel security managed to pull me inside. I went straight to Brai's room and when reached her room I saw her door was open, I walked inside and saw no traces of her I heard sobs coming from the bathroom and I ran towards and pulled the door open to find the bath tub filled with blood a shiny blade inserted in the soft skin of her arm with many other criss cross lines on top. I stood their shocked tears filled my eyes and I couldn't take in the view in front of me. Did I cause this to her?

Brai's POV

I could see the tears flowing from his eyes as he just stood there confused and shocked in front of me. I dropped the razor blade and looked around me, I was sat in my own puddle of blood in the tub. My white shorts soaked in red blood. My eyes went wide at my own condition. I just lost it. Tears rapidly falling freely from my eyes as I just looked at my shaking hands and then I looked up at niall who's hands were tugging his hair and he had bloodshot eyes and tears rolled down his cheeks. "I'm sorry" I choked.  Niall stepped closer to the bathtub and I just stared at him. "Did I- cause this?" He asked his voice shaky. Was he the reason for this? Hell fucking no. "No niall I promise I didn't do this because of your confession I swear I didnt you've got to believe me." I said real quick and somewhat tension seemed to be lost on his face but the tears didnt stop and niether did the blood on my arm. His eyes travelled to my arm as he came closer and closer. He held out his hand and I placed mine on his palm as he just examined my cuts blood soon covered his palms too and it started to sting but at the same time his touch felt like my pain was healing. He helped me out of the tub and pulled my shorts down and my shirt too very carefully. Without saying a word he lifted me and sat me on top of the toilet seat he rummaged through the cabinets and found a first aid kit and he cleaned all my cuts covering them with band aids. He then gave me my pjs and I wore them. Once again without saying a word he exited the bathroom and went over and sat on my bed with his head on his plams. I walked over and sat on the bed. "What happened?" I asked. He looked up and I saw his tear stained face. "Why did you do that tell me honestly"

"Well, its because of louis. He knew I loved you and he always said that I'll be yours one day but then again you were told that you couldnt love me by who? My one and only brother. Then, he tries to take over my life decisions even when I am 20. Fucking 20. He tells me that I'm a burden on him. Tell me niall, the person with whom you've lived with for 19 years tells you that all time long you were just a burden to him what would you feel."

"I understand that brai I do but self harm isn't the way to solve this. Brailey it might give you relaxation but trust me it kills the person who loves you. Please dont ever do that again."

"Niall, it was just a depression attack and I couldnt control my urges. I won't do it again."

He smiled at me and got up. "Well, goodnight." He turned around but I couldn't let him leave so I held his wrist. " niall stay with me?"

"Gladly" he flashed me a smile once again

We walked over to the sofa and switched on the tv I sat beside niall on the love seat. We were watching toy story and I wasn't paying attention to it at all instead I was enjoyong the moment I was spending with niall. His hand reached for my bruised arm as he held it in his huge palms caressing it. "Brai?" He asked


"Can I ask you something? "


He switched off the tv and sat cross legged on the sofa and I also turned to him.

"Brailey do you still love me? I want an honest answer"

"Do you niall?"

"Speaking the truth I love you so much and I never ever stopped loving you brailey. You are my whole world if only louis wouldnt have put restrictions you wouldve been mine right now. You mean the world to me and trust I cant go a single day without seeing you. I love you so so so much and if only you love me back my life would become so much better" thats it im done.

I launched closer my hands clutching onto his tshirt as I pulled him closer, I couldn't wait any longer and I connected my lips to his savoring every second our lips moved in sync I felt him smile in the kiss and I also could feel the taste of his tears as they flowed down his eyes. The kiss bacame more and more passionate his hands travelled to my waist and I crossed my legs onto his waist as he pulled us down on the sofa I was on the bottom. He licked my lip from his tounge asking for enterance and I gladly accepted. We explored each others mouth and trust me this was much craved for. Then we broke the kiss blush crept on my face and niall was all red too. "I love you niall. I love you so much more" I said and niall pecked my lips again.

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