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Brai's POV

'Brailey, oh my god aee you alright?  Did you hurt yourself? ' Louis bombarded me with questions as soon as I wheeled myself in his room. Louis had a bandage round his head and a few band aids here and there.

He kept on asking questions so I wheeled myself closer to his and held his hand in mine. 'Louis , listen I'm fine. I didn't hurt myself that bad okay? How are you feeling now' I looked at him. His eyes eyes just staring at mine. They were glistening due to the tears welling up in them. As a singke tear left his eye his hand squeezed mine. 'Louis why-'

'I'm sorry brailey, for everything.  I didn't mean it like that. I've spent 8 years alone with you and I just I don't know why I said that. and about the whole niall fiasco, i was just scared brai, i didn't want you to go through terrible heart breaks. I just wanted you to be happy. Currently im glad to see you two in a relationship.  I'm so so sorry just please forgive me'

Tears had started welling up in my eyes. It felt better to hear him out. Maybe liam was right, I WAS taking this a bit too far away. I was overreacting.

'Louis, I love you and I forgive you. I'm sorry about my overreacting'

'Love you too brailey'


I sat with him for an hour we chatted about the most random things ever. Catching up in things. He took me in his own world. He made me forget about everything.  But then, " Hey, brai, have you been to the lads yet? Are they good?"

I lost it, Niall's shaking face came back in mind and how much pain he had endured in order to save me.

"Hey, hey shshshsh baby girl!  They'll be fine don't cry yeah?"

"Brailey,its time for your checkups, we want you back in your room" the nurse said interrupting mine and lou's conversation as she wheeled me out.

Niall's POV

Brailey and I just sat there looking at each other enjoying each other's presence.  The sharp pains in my lower back kept on errupting and I finally let brai go call a nurse she timidly wheeled herself out and shortly came back with a young doctor. I realized then that I had undergo surgery for my lower back and that's why it was aching. The doctor injected some painkillers and brailey sat in her wheelchair in the corner of the room her eyes glistening with fresh tears and some rolled down her cheeks. After the doctor had done my checkups I motioned brailey to come over. She wheeled herself over to my bed.

"Brai, baby" I said taking her palm in mine.

"Brai, it hurts you know, My back, it fucking hurts but if you cry it makes it worse.  Stay strong brai, be glad that all of us made it out alive. Brailey I love you so much okay, please stop shedding your tears it hurts me"

"I'm so sorry niall, you hurt yourself to save me and I-I'm so selfish" she said in between sobs. I just wanted to kiss her right now but it was impossible due to the plasters on her legs and my back's condition.

"Brailey,  don't be so stupid okay? I'm alive. You're alive. The lads are alive. Thats all what matters okay? Now tell me did you talk to lou?"

"Not yet"

"Go do that love, he needs you. Okay so, I'll take a quick nap you go talk to lou then take some rest and hopefully we'll meet again in a room not an ICU.  Sounds good?"


"Now give me a cute little smile"

She smiled ever so cutely and it made me chuckle. I pressed my lips to her palm before whispering an 'Iloveyou' to her to which she replied with an 'Iloveyou' and she wheeled her self out.

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