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Third person's POV

It was around midnight all the passengers were admitted to the hospital. Niall and liam were the most injured. Niall was sent straight into operation because the end of the seat was still stuck in his back and it won't come out. Liam and the rest of the lada were sent in the special care and brailey was sent to the healing room. The hospital was crowded with papparazi and media. The hospital was getting continuous calls from the management but they couldn't give a proper answer because of their critical condition. It seemed too weird and unreal. The lads' families were waiting at Heathrow Aiport for the arival of their young ones. Who knew that they won't make it home.

Brailey's POV

My heart was beating fast, I tried to lift my eye lids but they seemed to be glued shut. I tried to speak but my mouth won't open nor would there be a single sound. I was worried. I was scared. I was trying to wriggle free of the situation I was in but I couldn't.  I couldn't hear anything it seemed as if I was sitting in a dark room tied with chains.  Suddenly I heard soft beeps going of and then slowly many voices filled my ears. I tried to open my eyes again and my lids lifted making me squint my eyes due to the bright white light. "she's awake" I heard a female voice whisper. I had no clue of what was happening. I finnaly adjusted my self to the environment and there I was lying on a hospital bed with white walls covering me and two nurses and a doctor standing aroun my bed. "How are you feeling?"

Soon the memories of earlier filled in my mind and I started crying hysterically.

* flashback *

Boom ! We crashed and I heard Niall gasp loudly. My hand rested on his lower back and when I looked at my hand it was coveres with blood. His blood. He was shaking vigorously and was panting. "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH" he whispered in my ear and closed his eyes. My mouth went dry and black spots covered my visions.


I will write two more chapters heehehe :p

~breeze x

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